Plan a Date

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Hewwo, I can't believe I start college in August, I'm nervous but not too bad, mainly for the math class, I'm HORRIBLE at math.

"A movie?" I suggest, laying on my couch while Adam rummages through my fridge as he tends to.

I swear he's secretly a bear.

"A movie? Seriously? What are you, fifteen? You gonna make out in the back of the theater too?" Adam asks closings the door to the fridge and walking over with a sandwich in his hand.

I groan, sitting up and putting my head in my hands.

"I'm not good at this, Adam. I never had to plan something like this," I say. He quirks a brow at me.

"You we're with Jennifer for awhile, you didn't have to do anything there?" he questions. I shake my head.

"Truthfully? No, she always hinted at what she wanted, or straight out told me. Caitlin, she's simple, she goes with the flow," I tell him.

He shrugs, "Okay, so she's not a freak."

Not in those terms, but in other ways, I think to myself.

"Why don't you ask her brother? Or Ella?" He suggests. I shrug.

"Her brother would kill me, and Ella, I don't even know if she knows her that well yet," I say.

Why did this have to be so difficult? A date. Something most sixteen years olds go on. And I was freaking out. I couldn't think of a simple idea.

"Okay, why don't you take her on a picnic," He says, I look at him with confusion.

"A picnic? That's all you got?" I ask him, he shrugs, "Picnics are simple, you're forced to talk. Plus, you could get her in a sexy little sundress," he smirks.

I imagine her in a sundress, a orange one. And damn, a picnic would be nice.

"Speaking of sexy stuff, when I walked in on you that time, and you don't have to come out to me or whatever, but what do you, you know, identify as?" I ask. Adam looks at me surprised.

"I'm pansexual. Men, women, trans men and women, no gender, all of it. People are people," he explains. I nod, understanding.

"I didn't know you were so aware about it all," He says, I chuckle at him.

"I keep up you know, I'm not a complete idiot," I say. "I'm not perfect, I have flaws, I've 'sinned'," I say with air quotes. "You know I'm not a believer in the supposed man upstairs, I don't care what people identify as, who they love, all that. The point is to exist and to love, not by any rules," I say.

Now he really looks shocked.

"I feel like you've been a dick your whole life because you don't want people to know what a softy you are," he says, I shake my head with a smile on my face.

"The picnic idea isn't bad," I say, he nods, "I know. Take her to Alki Beach, women love it there. You can watch the sunset and all," he says.

Adam leaves, and once he does I look up this Alki Beach. It was quaint, seemed like a nice place to take her. Though I hated sand.

My phone starts to ring, I look at it to see my mother calling. I sigh, pick it up and put the phone on speaker.

"What do you need mom?" I ask, scrolling through other sights for a picnic.

"I can't check in on my son? I don't know who gave you this attitude, but it's annoying," she says in an angry tone.

I roll my eyes at her, "Sorry. But seriously, why are you calling?"

"A little bird told me you're trying to plan a date," she says. I scrunch my face, how the fuck did she know this so soon?

"Who the hell is this bird?" I ask.

"Adam told Ella, Ella told Jill, and being my sister obviously she told me, keep up, you know how our family works," she says with a huff.

"Anyway, where are you taking her?" she asks.

I run my hand over my face.

"I'm not sure yet, Adam suggested Alki Beach," I tell her. I can practically here her think over the phone.

"Not a bad choice, do you know what exactly you're going to do while there?" she questions.

"No mother, Adam left like ten minutes ago. Can't you all just let me figure this out on my own?" I ask. Did they have that little trust in me?

"Hun, we all love you. But after Jennifer, we just want you to be happy. So I'm going to help you plan this date, first impressions are everything," she says.

And that statement led to the next our discussing the most random shit.

"Mom, the champagne doesn't have to be imported. It's one date, in like the next few days. We're rich, but not import champagne rich," I tell her. Which wasn't true, I make a shit ton of money but this woman was giving me a headache.

"Fine. Cheap wine it is," she breathes out tired of fighting, as if there isn't any place that sells decently priced wine in all of Seattle.

"Okay, I have it all figured out, love you, bye," I say before hanging up. I sigh and lean back on my couch.

I hate planning.

I look over the small list of things to get for the picnic, standing up and grabbing my jacket to go to Target. I hated the place, rarely even got my own groceries, but I knew my mothers advice was decent, and it's just down the road.

I pull into the parking lot, grabbing my wallet and shoving into my sweatpants before putting up my hoodie, not wanting to attract any attention.

I head in and find my way to the bedding, looking for a decent, colorful blanket for the beach. I search through some, not exactly sure which to choose.

I come upon a cotton, pale blue blanket. I grab it, deciding that it would be good enough.

I wasn't one for decor. Not even in my apartment. I was always so focused on my career rather than the small things in life.

I then go to the dish and appliance section, finding small platter dishes that I could put food on, but still have it look somewhat fancy.

I buy some candles, a basket, packaged desserts, and when I came upon a film camera, grabbed that as well.

I check out and head back to my car, feeling satisfied with everything I bought, knowing the other things like champagne and fresh food I would get whenever the date actually happens.

I was smiling to myself. Something I've been doing more recent since Caitlin has been in my life. I haven't known her long, and I was direct, and maybe these feelings aren't what I think they are, but they sure as hell felt real. I didn't want to believe this was a fluke.

I start my car and my heart stops when I hear the song on the radio. It was My Sweet Lord by George Harrison. My grandfathers favorite. I give a small chuckle.

"This is one hell of a sign pops."
Hello, I don't think this chapter is great but I will revise it later on. I'm glad to see this story receiving so many reads!

If you have any constructive criticism on my writing, please message me and let me know your thoughts!

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