A Picnic

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Hewwo, I've been re-reading a favorite story of mine "The Perfect Spiral" if you haven't read if for check it out, it's cute and fun. It actually very much inspired this story, along with many other sport themed love stories. But reading them again really helps me think, which is why I take awhile, I want to get my story perfect for you all.
Caitlin's POV

Ian was making his way over to my place and I couldn't be more nervous. I was leaning on my counter, texting Ella profusely, rambling about all the weird things that I could do to embarrass myself in front of him. Ella just kept 'Lol-ing' me and telling me I'll be fine.

I would be fine. Right?

I shook my head, I had to stop freaking out, this was Ian. I've seen his soft side, I slept in the same bed with him, had breakfast with him, normal people things. Normal people also go on dates. So why was this different?

I hear the knock on my door and feel that tang in my chest. It was time.

I head to the door, rest my hand on the knob and take a deep breath before composing myself and opening it, hoping I looked like I wasn't just having a small mental breakdown.

His eyes sweep over my body, his lips parting slightly. He wore black slacks and a white, buttoned up long sleeve, and in his hand, a rose.

"You look...beautiful," he breathes out. When he says this I realize I had been holding my breath, I subtly start to breathe again and smile at him.

"Thank you, you look very handsome," I tell him.

He tears his eyes away from my outfit and meets my eyes, "Uh, here," he hands out the rose. "I hope you're not allergic or anything," he says, starting to worry. I shake my head, "Definitely not allergic, I'll be right back," I tell him, hurrying to put the rose in a cup of water before meeting him at the door again.

"Are you all set?" he asks, I nod in response. He then holds out his arm for me to loop mine through.

"Then I believe we have a date to go on," he says with a smirk, seeming to push his nerves down. I smile and follow him out, closing my door and trying to ignore the beating of my heart.

The car ride is scenic, and only lasts about twenty-minutes before Ian pulls into a parking lot at a beach. I'm lucky that Ella warned me not to wear heels, though she already had a feeling I was going to wear my adidas.

Ian gets out and heads over to the passenger side, opening the door for me. He holds his hand out for me to take "Okay, close your eyes," he says. I give him a look, "Is this the part where you lead me to my death?" I question, he chuckles at me.

"No, it's part where I try to be romantic and surprise you," he tells me. I sigh and close my eyes, he grips my hand and leads me out of the car, walking me to wherever we're going. He suddenly stops, causing me to run into him.

"Sorry sorry," he apologizes. I roll my eyes at him but smile. He then stands behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders. I feel him lean down, his warm breath on my ear.

"Open your eyes," he whispers.

I do, and what I see takes me back.

A pale blue blanket was laid out on the dark wooden dock, fake candles were 'lit' on each corner. In the middle was a basket, that was half open and poking out a champagne bottle. A few boxed desserts were spread out, and small white blanket laid on the side.

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