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Hello, I'm looking forward to being finished with my first semester of college, it's been rough. I wish you all Merry Christmas if I manage to publish this before, or even after the holiday!

Caitlin's POV

"Sooo, what are we thinking?" Ella asks me as I sit on her couch. This was my first time at her place and it was nice, much more personalized than mine.

She had cute decor like candles shaped as random objects, a gaming set up, and color changing lights. She stands in front of me trying on different bikinis for our Miami trip. It was nearing Labor Day, and their family decided it would be the perfect weekend to head down. 

I had never been to Miami, but Ella poured details about all the things we could do, including clubbing.

"I think it's cute," I tell her truthfully. She narrows her eyes at me, flabbergasted.

"Cute? That's it? I need to look BANGING!" She explains, throwing her hands in the air and stomps back into her room to change. I laugh at her distress over something so small.

The trip wasn't until the weekend and it was only Wednesday, we'd be flying there early Saturday and be there until Wednesday, giving us enough time to explore and relax.

I was thinking about what I need to pack, I can't do anything without planning everything thoroughly. I need a routine, a plan, or else I feel lost.

Ian's name pops up on my phone as it buzzes. I haven't talked to him much since seeing those pictures from his event. Then again, he didn't bring it up either. I swipe my screen, accepting the facetime.

His scruffy appearance pops up, he's laying in his bed despite it being late in the afternoon. I smile automatically when I see his face.

"Hi," I say, starting up the conversation.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks, I shrug in response. "Watching your cousin act like she's a contestant on America's Next Top Model over some bathing suits," I answer. He chuckles, making me blush, seeing him laugh, not to mention noticing he's shirtless.

"I'm sure that's a challenge," I not in agreement, staring at his body. God I'm such a perv. But I was undeniably horny this past week. My hormones were all over the place. Most days I wasn't aroused at all, whereas days like today, I craved intimacy.

"You're staring," he comments, my eyes snap back to his face on the screen. I blush even more at being caught.

"Sorry," I apologize. He smirks at me, "You're such a naughty girl," his ton teasing me. I roll my eyes, trying to act confident. "You're shirtless, I can't not stare," I challenge. He tilts his head in acknowledgment.

"I'm actually wearing nothing," he admits. My eyes widen at him, biting my lip. He turns the camera and I see his torso, his v-line leading my gaze down to the blanket covering his member.

I stare at the view, wishing I was there to pull the blanket down.

"What are you thinking?" Ian's husky voice questions. Do I play along?

"How nice it would be to play with that cock of yours," I tell him in a low voice. I watch as his hand travels over the bulge on the blanket.

"How would you play with it sweetheart?" he inquires while slowly rubbing himself.

In sooo many ways

"Hmm, I'd pull those boxers down, watch your cock spring out. Then lick it from its base to the top," I continue to watch him play with himself, knowing Ella could come and interject us any second.

Ian grabs the blanket and pushes it down, revealing his member. I clench my legs together at the tingling feeling I get from thinking about us.

"You look annoyed, no not annoyed, sexually frustrated is it?" he teases my expression. I loved his teasing but not when it's over the phone.

"Don't tease me, Ian," I tell him. After I say this he starts rubbing himself faster, making me groan. I hear him chuckle at my response.

"Okay okay, I'll have my fun with you while we're in Miami. I hope we get some decent alone time, the Andrews have a tendency to be nosy," he says referring to their family's friends as he flips the camera back to his face. We'd be staying in a spacious lodge with enough rooms to accommodate all of us.

"We could always sneak off," I say lifting my brows, a smile tugs on the corners of his lips until he smiles fully.

"I'd take you to a beach house and have my way with you," he replies. I smile back at him. "Stay over Friday night, we can drive to the airport in the morning together," he suggests, I nod at him, a night alone before seeing the rest of his family would be nice.

"Yeah, I actually wanted to bring something up anyway," I tell him, knowing that my toned changed. His smile drops slightly after hearing my words, but he quickly tries to hide it.

"Uh yeah okay. I'll pick you up on Friday, okay love?" I blush at the pet name. "Okay, I'll see you then," I say. We hang up and as if she was eavesdropping, Ella comes out in another bathing suit to show off.

"Okay how about this one," she does some random poses as if she's on Vouge, I chuckle at her and continue to judge her swimsuits.
This is a filler chapter of course but at least it's an update, the next chapter will be Caitlin, Ian, and Ella heading to Miami!

Hope you all have a good Christmas, please comment any suggestions and such on how to make the story better or add to it!

Game OnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora