Night In, Fly Out

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hello, hope everyone had a good Yule!!

Caitlin's POV

My suitcase just might explode. I've crammed so much into it that it's all bulky. I didn't want to take multiple bags and carry them all around, so I decided to just take a large one and roll it around.

Ian would be picking me up any minute, it was evening and I couldn't wait to spend the night with him. Cuddling up with him is intoxicating, I never want to leave his grasp.

On the other hand, I was nervous to talk about the picture, wondering if it was even a good idea to go on this trip.

Ella told me what all I should bring clothes wise. She said we'd definitely be visiting some clubs, the beach, and other fun activities. I think I had everything, I checked my lift a few times, thought of anything I may need while there.

My phone starts buzzing on my bedside table, I smile, knowing it had to be Ian. I grab it and accept the call.


"Hey, I'm outside whenever you're ready," he says, his voice soft.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute," I reply, hanging up the phone. I had butterflies in my stomach, flying around non-stop. I shouldn't be nervous, I've been around him so many times. What's this feeling?

I drag my suitcase off my bed, hearing a thud as it hits the ground. I grab my purse and roll the suitcase throughout my apartment, entering the elevator.

I bounce on my feet as it heads down. Did I look okay? I look down at my somewhat alternative outfit, an oversized black hoodie with the word 'Angel' on it, with black shorts and fishnets. I've been wanting to explore with my clothes, maybe even dye my hair like I use to as a teen.

I exit the elevator and the apartment building, I stand and look for Ian's car, spotting it shortly and smiling. He catches my gaze and smile softly before opening his door as I walk over. He opens his trunk as I near the car.

"Let me get that," He grabs my bag, his brows furrow as he does. "Jesus woman, what do you have in there?" he jokes.

"My many sex toys," I say smiling at him while walking backwards to the passenger seat before turning on my heal.

"Why do I have a feeling you're not joking?" he quirks his brow and looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and hop into the car.

A few seconds after he closes the trunk and joins me. My hands rest in my lap, fumbling with my fingers.

Ian grabs my thigh, toying with the fishnets.

"You know, these will be ruined by tonight," he says lowly, sending chills throughout my body.

"Why's that?" I ask, a smirk tugging at my lips.

He licks his bottom lip before glancing at me, "Because I'm going to rip them off," he says.

I look down at my hands and smile like a school girl at his comment.

"You're cute when flustered," he says turning his gaze back to the road.

It doesn't take long to reach his condo. It still amazes me how he lives here by himself. He parks in the garage and turns the engine off, silence filling the air.

I get out and follow him inside, his hand reaches for mine and I smile a little at the gesture.

"What do you want to do tonight?" he asks breaking the silence. We're in the living room as he asks. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself.

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