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Hello, I've started a job recently so I won't be posting as much as I'd like :/ As I'm moving for college in August, I'm trying to make a good amount of money for college funds :( Adulting, it's horrible

"You've seriously never made a tinder account?" Ella asks me in disbelief, her elbows resting over the counter of Marnie's. It wasn't busy, the rush hour was at noon and it was 2 pm now. I explained to her that I wanted to start dating, and tinder was the first thing she suggested.

"Nope, I'm not really the dating app type," I respond. Wasn't tinder for hookups mostly anyway? Was I even going to find any good candidates?

"Okay, well luckily you have a great mentor, and some great photos which is to be expected considering your career," she says taking the reins.

"So what kind of guy do you like? Body type, personality, all of that," she asks. I think for a moment.

"I don't have a body preference honestly, I like dad bods, thin men, athletic men. I like someone who's funny, someone who can be mature but a kid at heart, who's honest, that has their life mostly planned out, and faithful," I tell her. She types away on my phone as I say this.

"I think you'll have plenty of matches, these photos of you are hot as fuck," she says giving me back my phone. I look through my profile which says my height and age, what I do for a living, and what I'm looking for. The photos range from casual to sexy. She was actually really good at this.

"This looks great, El," I compliment. She shrugs at me gloating, "What can I say, I know my women," she teases and we laugh.

The rest of my afternoon is spent on my bed, swiping left and right on men in Seattle. Ella was right, I did have a lot of matches, and these men were attractive.

One man catches my eye. He's funny, blonde, tall, and had tattoos. He looked on the edgy side, and I could bet that he's kinky. His build isn't extremely athletic, but just enough where you could tell he's active.

We talk for the night, learning about each other. And I was glad to learn that he lived not far from my apartment. I ask him to coffee tomorrow at Marnie's, and as I wait his response, I feel excited. I haven't been excited like this for awhile.

I make a squealing noise when he accepts the invitation. My first date in Seattle! I text Ella the news and she says she'll be sure not to embarrass me.

I head to bed with the thought in my mind. I have a date tomorrow with a sexy, tattooed man.
——————- (The next day)

What do I wear? I ask myself this as I scan my closet. Maybe something a little busty but not too much. Maybe something classy but flirty.

I look through my dresses, debating if I even wanted to wear one. I shake my head, deciding on jeans and a black corset esque top.

I lather lotion on my body, I shaved, even though it was doubtful either of us would be going home with each other, I was looking for someone to date, not a one night stand.

I put on some makeup, a little more than usual but not a full face, I wanted to keep it natural but still enhance my features. I then added some jewelry and then of course my adidas.

I looked in the mirror, checking over myself. I was nervous. Not insanely, but enough. I hadn't been on a date for awhile, I wasn't even sure what we could talk about. I'm hoping to get there before him so I can chat with Ella, maybe she can calm my nerves.

Before I know it I'm walking into Marnie's, the familiar smell filling my lungs and somewhat calming my nerves. I find Ella behind the counter, no sign of my date yet. I head over to the counter.

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