So This is What Its Like

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Hello. So on Aug. 18th I moved into my university and holy fuck am I exhausted. Classes haven't even started but I've been doing retreats and such and STILL have Welcome Days since as of tomorrow all students will be moved in, including my roommate!

So i'm sorry i haven't been able to updating I have been extremely busy with life.

Caitlin's POV

When I first moved in with dad and Jacob, I never use to eat breakfast. Or any meal with them for that matter.

I felt like a intruder to their home, like I was barging in on their lives. I felt like eating meals with them would just remind me of that even more.

Then Jacob started leaving me packaged food at my door. It's the first interaction we really had, it wasn't much of one, but it was a silent agreement. He would leave small notes as well like 'Dad says hi' or tell me a horrible joke he made up.

When I finally came out to breakfast for the first time, Dad was making chocolate chip pancakes with sausage and eggs. Jacob was sitting at the table with ear buds in scrolling on his phone.

I sat, and neither said any sarcastic remark about me coming out of my room, but Dad smiled and Jacob glanced before continuing on his phone. Then we ate, and slowly as days went on, we had conversations.

I think back to these memories as I watch Ian bring me breakfast. I think about the girl I was, the girl who endured pain, who was somehow gifted a beautiful family.

I never believed in the saying family is your blood. Yes, it's scientifically correct. But I never believed that anyone who didn't support you or you didn't want in your life had to be considered family. Mason is my family, Dads and Jacob, Ember. They weren't blood, they're who I choose.

"What are you thinking about?" Ian's voice cuts through my thoughts and I meet his emeralds orbs. I shrug at him, brushing it off and looking away at my pancakes.

I hear him move and before I know it, he's grabbing my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Cait," He warns. I roll my eyes at his overacting.

"Just thinking about home and such. Dad use to make me chocolate chip pancakes, it was basically his way of bribing me out of my room when I first moved in," I explain. He smiles lightly at me, then leans in and kisses my forehead.

"You're adorable," he says against my skin. I smile at the contact. It was such a simple gesture but I loved everything it held.

He starts to pull away but I grab his wait and bring him back to me, grabbing his neck and kissing him firmly. He responds with as much passion as I give and I can't get enough of it.

He pulls away again smiling lightly while looking down as me. "Someone's affectionate this morning," he comments, standing in between my legs as we hold each other's hands.

"I'm always affectionate with you," I tell him. He quirks a brow, "I don't know about that, sometimes you're mean," he says walking away.

"Mean? When am I mean?" I ask. I'm not mean, I just have a temper.

"You have a lot of spitfire for a small person. So much to tame," he wiggles his brows and I roll my eyes at him.

"You want to take me to your Red Room while you're at it?" I ask taking another bite of my pancake.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "It's a little dusty, you're not ready for that room either," he says.

Did he just confess to having a Red Room?

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