Well Cooked Meal

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Let's get straight into the story!! Hope you enjoy!

Caitlin's POV

What the hell was the ringing noise I'm hearing? Waking me from my sleep rudely.

I feel Ian's arm leave my waist and reach for his phone, turning off the alarm. Oh, yeah. He set that.

He returns to me, hugging me again, snuggling his head into the nape of my neck, peppering kisses on my skins I smile and giggle before turning to him.

"How'd you sleep?" he asks, his voice deep from sleeping. It was incredibly sexy. He was incredibly sexy.

"Good, you?" he shifts us so Im closer to his chest, my leg up on his waist, my arm under his following the curve of his rib cage.

"Good, I always sleep good with you," I roll my eyes at him. Wondering how he had turned into this sappy man, comparing him to the stone cold man I'd met. Did I really have that much of an effect on him?

"We'll Im glad you're well rested. We apparently have a long night ahead of us," I say. He raises his brows in acknowledgment, his dislike for the event appearing.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my hand cupping his cheek.

"I just get overwhelmed in clubs at times, nothing terrible. More so, I don't like men around you," he says, his demeanor changing slightly.

"I guess that means you'll have to be my bodyguard," I tease, leaning in to kiss him. His lips meet mine and we kiss passionately for a moment before pulling apart.

"Oh trust me, I'll keep an eye on you. I still want you to have fun though," he says. I nod, understanding.

"You better have some fun also, you know I can defend myself, I'll be with the girls anyway. I'm sure Marissa and Daniel need us both to occupy them," I say. He nods "I know, I just hate being away from you, even in the same building," he says gripping my waist. I smile and stroke his hair, "I know, I do too,"

"We should get downstairs in a bit, wonder what dinner is going to be," he says.

"Speaking of that, what does your dad do?" I ask, still stroking his hair.

"He's a professional chef. He owns a few name brand restaurants," he explains.


We lay together for twenty or so more minutes, seeing no reason to rush. Embracing each other, caressing, etc. It was bliss.

A knock on the door catches our attention.

"Yes?" Ian says, the door peeps open and his mother peeks in.

"I just came to let you know that dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, Xavier is here also," she informs us. We nod at her and I smile gently.

"We'll get dressed appropriately and head down, thank you mother," Ian says. Karen gives a small smile before closing the door once more.

"You're secretly a mama's boy," I tease, "A very good boy," I emphasize, testing the waters.

"Good boy huh? Trying to be dominant are we? Should I start calling you mommy?" he asks as a joke. I shrug at him and lean in, our lips inches away from each other.

"I wouldn't mind it," I whisper seductively before pressing my lips against his. He grabs my waist and pulls me under him, kissing me passionately.

We break apart for air, catching our breaths before looking at each other.

"Keep teasing me and alcohol won't be the only thing going down your throat tonight," He says, causing me to blush. I quickly hide the school girl alter that apparently lives inside me and lean into him again, pecking his lips.

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