Home Sweet Home

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I haven't been able to get into this account for awhile but I figured it out :)


I pack my bag for this weekend. Work days went by quick and before I knew it, Jacob was texting me the plan to go home. I packed a duffel bag, knowing a suitcase would be too much.

Ella declined the invite, she had a big article to write and couldn't risk being distracted. All she asked was for me to send pictures of fights and Ian, just to annoy him.

It was only 12 in the afternoon, Jacob told me he and Ian would be here around 2. Traveling with Ian would be interesting, he'd have to go through the torture of Jacob singing Britney Spears.

I'm not sure how close they were in college, but I think they're comfortable enough. I couldn't wait to be home, I assumed we'd be staying with our parents, we do have an extra room that Ian could stay in.

Once I squished all my clothes into the duffel bag, which now looked like it was going to explode open any second, I sat on my bed taking a break.

I looked on my phone, seeing that I received a message from Nathan. I wondered what he wants, and if it was smart to have even accepted the request after everything he'd done.

My thumb hovers over the message, hesitating to open it. I take a deep breath and click it. I scan for the message at the bottom.

"They're going to trial for child abuse. Isn't looking good for them. They're getting what they deserve, Cat. Thought you should know."

I sit there, dumbfounded. They were going to be arrested. After all the years of abuse, and knowing that I wasn't the only kid that went through it, we were getting justice.

I debate something in my head, wondering if it could make a difference. If it would relieve some of the emotional pain I have.

"When's the trial?" I type back, sending the message. It wasn't long before I see he was typing again.

"This Sunday." he replies. I ask if the trial is in town, when he said yes, I knew my decision. One that Jacob would kill me for.

"I'll be there."

Jacob and Ian came by after awhile. I grabbed my bag and shoved it into Jacob's trunk along with their belongings.

"Who's riding shotgun?" Jacob asks, I shrug, telling him I don't care. Ian decides he'll ride in the front with Jacob. As Ian gets in the car, Jacob pulls me aside for a second.

"Are you okay? You seem off," he asks concerned. I sometimes hates that he could read me so well.

"I'm fine, just not looking forward to this road trip, you know I can get car sick," I tell him, luckily it was a great excuse. He nods, but something tells me he knows I'm lying.

We get into the car and start our journey home.

It was an hour later and I'm pretty sure I have scoliosis by trying to find a comfortable position in the back seat.

"Can you stop eating my chips?" Jacob scorns Ian, who puts his hands in the air, "I am a growing man you know, plus you bought like 7 bags," Ian defends himself.

I rearrange myself in the back, sitting up and cuddling the small pillow I brought. I look at my phone and see a message from Nathan, giving me the address for the trial.

I wasn't sure how to feel about it all. I was happy they were finally being charged with abuse. Happy couldn't even describe the relief I felt learning they would be locked up. But I also was afraid. How was I going to feel when I saw them? Would they attempt to talk to me?

Game OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora