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Talia smiled as Beau held her close. He wasn't scared, but he knew that Talia was. She looked up at Beau as they saw three people with red eyes. Talia looked at Edward as he started to read their minds. Beau kissed Talia's head as they stood in front of them.

Edward caught Victoria's mind. She knew Beau was human as he was her singer. She was planning his death as they speak. Talia had a bad feeling about Victoria the way she looked at her mate like he was her next meal.

"Baby." Talia looked at him. "Let's go."

She nodded as she followed Beau, but the two stopped just as the wind blew. Talia smelt Bella's scent and growled. "You brought a snack." James says.

Talia turned and glared as she was ready to kill. Beau looked at his sister pissed. "You just had to come." He said getting Talia to look at them. "You knew and so did Edward about your blood and yet you came."

"Looks like we're done here."
Talia was pissed as Beau was trying to get her to relax. "Beau, we need to go..."

"Fuck you." Beau tells Bella. "This is your damn battle. Not mine. Not Talia's."

Talia walked over to the door and slammed it in Bella's face. Beau walked over and turned her around. "I hate her so freaking much." Talia tells him. "She is selfish..."

Beau kissed her making Talia kiss him back. He started taking her clothes off as she took his off to get her mind off of things.

Edward heard the two as he waited for Bella. He didn't know how to tell her that Beau is Victoria's blood singer.
The next day, Talia watched as Beau tried to comfort his dad. If she sees Bella again, she was going to teach the girl a lesson. She had know rights hurting someone Talia looked up to as a father figure. He was her mates dad and she had grown a bond with him.

Beau looked at Talia who smiled a little. He walked over and kissed her making her smile. "Why don't you go hunt? I'll deal with dad."

"Okay." She tells him as she kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you."
Standing in the trees, a red head was planning the death of Beaufort Swan. She watched as Talia Cullen went hunting and left herself. His death had to be perfect.

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