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Beau and Talia didn't know how to respond when they saw Bella were a grey hoodie and sitting at the Cullen table. They looked at one another before sitting with Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric. "Do you two..."

"No." Talia said. "We don't know and we're not asking."

They nodded as Beau looked at Talia smiling. No one said a word about Bella and to be honest, Beau didn't care much. Talia grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Are you two house sitting for the Jones?"

"Yes and they want us to remodel their house." Beau said. "I will be doing a lot of carpenter work as Talia will do the painting and replacing with new furniture."

"Lets just say we will be extremely busy. Especially with a baby on the way." Talia said. "Speaking of that, we have to go to our appointment after school."

"Don't forget to call your brother." Beau said.

Talia smiled at the mention of Emmett. She misses him, but she just couldn't up and leave Beau like Edward did Bella.
After school, Talia and Beau wasn't joking. "Are you excited to see the baby?"

"Yeah. Even if you aren't showing, I would love to watch our baby form." He tells her.

Talia smiled till she caught a glimpse of an orange truck. "Beau, I have a feeling that your sister may try something, but I can't tell."

"She won't follow us, but she will try to talk to us later."

Talia sighed as that was the one thing she didn't want was to deal with Bella. She wanted to focus on her job and on the baby. No drama. Beau grabbed her hand making her look at him. She smiled as she knew that everything was going to be okay.

Beau pulled up to the hospital smiling. "I'm excited." She tells him.

"I am too, baby."

Bella drove by as they walked in. Talia walked towards the ob/gyn department as Beau went to the bathroom. She signed in and took a seat.

"Dad, I'll let you know when you come over for dinner." Beau said as he walked out. "Talia is relaxed and isn't letting nothing bother her."

Talia looked up and smiled at him. "Talia Cullen."

"Dad, I'll see you tonight."

Talia smiled as she walked away with Beau to see how big the baby is. Today was exciting as they were going to see their little peanut.
Beau and Charlie stared at the ultrasound with a smile. Talia walked in with baked spaghetti and smiled as she saw the ultrasound. "The due date is either before graduation or the day of graduation. I hope before." Talia says.

"At least the baby is healthy."

"That's all we want." Talia said as she kissed Beau. "Come and eat."

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