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Beau went over to Talia's as Charlie left to get Bella. His worst nightmare. The sister he despises. Beau knew her coming here was going to be the worst thing. Talia sat in the living room looking over her list of things to get when Beau walked in. "Talia?"

"Hey." She said as she looked up at him to notice the look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Bella is here." Beau tells her as he sat down. Talia went to say something till Beau kissed her. They pulled apart causing Beau to guide her up to her room. Talia smiled as they walked in. Their lips reconnected. They fought with their clothes as the made it to her bed. Talia and Beau became one.
Beau stood with Talia as they waited for the bell. The sound of a truck backfiring caught her attention. Beau groaned at the sound of the truck. "It's Bella." He said making her nod.

Talia grabbed his face and kissed him. "How about we go to class?" She asked after pulling away.

"Sure, but I promise that you will see what I was talking about." Beau tells her as they walked in.

"She can't be that bad." Emmett said as Talia and Beau made their way inside the school. Talia held Beau's hand as they walked in. All eyes went to them, students saying hi to them, even Beau's friends. Talia smiled as she made it to her locker before Beau kissed her.


Beau pulled away from Talia as he looked at his sister. Talia looked at the girl a little pissed off. "Yes Bella?"

"I'm surprised to see you." She said as Talia raised an eyebrow. "Who is this?"

"My girlfriend." Beau tells her. "Talia, I'll see you in class."

"Okay." She said as she deepened the kiss from earlier in front of Bella before walking to class.

"Wow. So she's the girl Charlie talked about you being with." Beau nodded. "Does Renee know."

"That's none of her business as she didn't want nothing to do with me. Plus why are you acting nice when the two of us know it's just an act."

"Beau, I'm trying to get along with you. I would like to have a brother and sister relationship."

Talia dragged Beau somewhere so no one can see them. Beau wondered where they were going till he saw where they were heading. Talia felt a tug and turned just to be pushed up against the side of the school. Their lips connected making them sigh. It was just them. Beau pulled away and hugged her. "She claimed that she wants to get along."

"Do you believe her?"

"No." He said. "Why all of a sudden should her and Renee feel guilty. Bella is the reason why I stayed. She's the reason why Renee didn't want me."

"Beau." Talia said getting his attention. "I love you. You have me, Charlie, and my family. You don't need to worry."

"I love you." Beau tells her.

Talia hugged him not knowing they were being spied on. Bella fumes in anger as she watched her brother being happy in love. She knew there was something different about the Cullens and knew that she will have to ask Beau. She looked at the two to see them making out again. Why would someone be with Beau? He's not special. Bella thought.

Talia felt his lips go to her neck making her moan, but caught Bella watching them. "Beau, we have an audience."

Beau pulled away to see his sister watching them. "Let's go." He said as he dragged her away. Talia laughed at him as they left.
Talia and Beau stood near his car as the two made out. Emmett laughed at them till he saw Bella. "She really does have a staring problem."

Talia and Beau looked. "Your sister knows how to piss people off."

"Why do you think I stayed with dad?"

"Coming by Beau?" Jasper asked.

"Not today. Dad wants me at the diner."

Talia kissed him. "I'll see you later."

"I'll call you to let you know when to come." Talia nodded as Beau kissed her and got in his car to leave. Emmett wrapped his arms around his sister making her smile.

"Let's go hunt."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." She said as she got in Rosalie's car and left. She hopes Bella won't be curious as Beau is a mate. Bella, well, Talia thinks she's nothing, but doesn't know the real reason of why Edward left till later.

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