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Beau woke up and looked at Talia. She smiled as she kissed him. "Happy birthday, my love." She tells him against his lips.

"Best way to wake up is seeing you on my birthday." He says as he kissed her.

Talia smiled as she was happy to have him by her side. They didn't go downstairs directly. Talia had other plans for him as she got on top of him. "Ready for your present?"

"Talia, you can kill a guy and get away with it." Beau tells her. "Because you make me the happiest man alive. I love you, Talia."

"I love you, Beau." She tells him as she kissed him.

Bella knew Talia stayed the night and went to open the door to tell Beau that it was time for them to get going, but she heard moaning and cringed as she walked away. Talia and Beau didn't care who was outside of his room at the moment as they were having one of their times alone.
Talia arrived at school with Beau and saw Bella. "Someone is not too happy with seeing us."

"She was at my door." He tells her. "She heard us having the best sex in history and she doesn't like that we are sexually active and Edward is being a gentleman."

"That is one of the things I respect Edward for. He saves himself for his wedding night since that was how he was raised." Talia says. "Bella might try to rush him now seeing as we don't care."

Beau smiled as they stopped by their lockers. Jasper walked over to Beau and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Happy birthday, Beau."

"Thanks, Major." Beau tells him. "Alice didn't get me anything. If not, thank god."

Talia shook her head and gave him a look making Beau groan. They all knew that Alice likes to celebrate birthdays now since meeting the Swans. Alice handed him a bag. "You have to open it. It's something I saw in my vision."

Talia looked at Jasper, who shrugged. Beau saw a picture of him and Talia holding a baby. "What?"

"It's your birth child with Talia." Alice said as she looked at Talia. "Congrats."

Talia was frozen in her spot and looked at Beau who smiled. She walked over to him and hugged him. Talia was so desperate to have a child after learning last night that Beau wanted children with her if it was possible. Beau kissed her making her smile. "After school, we have to find out if its true."

"I'll call Carlisle to have the ultrasound ready."

The two nodded as they walked away together to class.
Before Talia got dressed, she wanted to see if Alice's vision was right. Beau walked in to see a child on the sonogram. "I don't know what to say, but congrats, Talia and Beau. You are expecting a child."

"The best birthday present I could ever ask for." Beau says as he kissed her head. "Go get ready."

Talia shook her head as she grabbed his hand and walked up to her room. "I say we miss half of this party and... get back to what we have started last night..."

"He will not miss this party, Talia." Alice said as she walked in with a dress for Talia. "Here you go."

Talia pouted as Alice left making Beau kiss her. "We have all night." He tells her. "Plus, I do want that cake."

Talia smiled as she started to change in front of him. Beau had second thoughts and pushed her against the wall. "I win." She tells him as he kissed her.

Alice shook her head as she was getting Bella ready. Edward heard the two and sighed. "Talia is literally like her brother." Edward says as Emmett poked his head in the room.

"Hey. It's a McCarty thing." Emmett said as he left to find Rosalie.

"A McCarty thing?" Bella questioned.

"Don't ask."
The party started and Talia had her head rested on Emmett's shoulder. "Beau has something to announce before him and Bella open their presents." Talia said. "It's good news too."

Beau walked in the room and smiled at Talia. "You all know that I wanted children, but you all were told that no one could conceive as it's impossible." They all nodded. "Talia and I have just found out that she is expecting our first child."

Rosalie hugged Talia as Emmett was shocked. "I'm hoping that with this new gift that I will have another that will help those who want children have children."

"That would be wonderful."

Talia saw Bella walking in with Edward behind her. Beau wrapped his arms around Talia as he wanted Bella to open her's first. They all watched as Bella opened the presents one after the other. Talia was forced to get Bella something as she really wasn't planning on getting anything for her. Next was the envelope with the plane tickets.

"Someone is excited to go see her mom."


"Ah. Paper cut." She said showing her finger.

Talia moved Beau against the wall as she grabbed Jasper. "Jasper, look at me." She said. "Her blood isn't worth your thirst or anyone else." Talia looked at them as they were all hungry besides her. "Guys. You are not helping Jasper's situation." She tells them. "He can feel your hunger for her blood." She saw Bella was bleeding more.

Beau saw what Edward did to his sister and knew the situation has gotten worse. Emmett and Carlisle grabbed Jasper and fought him till he was outside. Talia looked at Bella with a glare and Edward. "I have no words to say to the two of you." She said as she walked away.

Beau looked at Bella before he followed Talia. He wasn't happy with his sister after this stunt or Edward for pushing his sister, even though he was protecting her, it just made the situation more worse. He looked at the family before him and sighed. Everything is going to change now that this happened.

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