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To say that the month flew by like it did, was an understatement. Talia and Beau's relationship went from friends to dating. Which that didn't shock no one as Talia and Beau flirted when they had the chance. Emmett was happy that his sister finally met her mate and was getting to know him better.

Talia smiled as she saw her brother and Beau playing video games, but she noticed something was wrong. "Beau?"


"What's wrong?" She asked as Jasper walked over to the three.

"My annoying sister is coming in a few months. Bella and I don't get along since mom could never show me love like she did Bella." Beau replies as Talia hugged him. "Mom thought it was only Bella and when she learned about there being two. She picked Bella over me. Dad is the only parent that actually loves me."

"Well you have us." Talia tells him. "Don't let your mother put you down or the news of your sister."

"I'm glad I have you in my life." Beau said.

"Your sister can't be that bad."
Talia was at Beau's. Emmett wanted her to tell him now instead of waiting till his sister came. The two have gotten closer over the month and it was time for Beau to know the truth about her and the other Cullens.

Beau noticed her silence and had to ask. "What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you, but I don't know what your reaction to this will be." Talia tells him.

"Talia, I'm sure what ever it is you need to talk about. I will accept it."

"Beau, I'm a vampire." She blurts out.

Beau smiled and kissed her shocking her. Talia relaxed as she kissed back. Beau pulled away and looked at her. "You or your family will never hurt me. You maybe a vampire, but my love for you won't change."

Talia smiled and hugged him. No more secrets. She was finally happy that he knows,. Now only problem is will his sister become suspicious. "Beau?"


"What's your sister like?"

Beau started telling her everything about his sister and how she was loved by their mom and not him. Every word that is told, Talia listened. She hated how the two fought. Talia was glad to have Emmett as he would never argue with her. Talia hugged Beau knowing he hated how he only had a father's love and not a mother's.
The next couple weeks gotten better for Beau. He had a whole knew family and two sisters. Charlie was glad that his son was accepted and he even accepted Talia. Problem is will Bella try to accept. For 17 years he kept Beau due to Renee's favoritism. He didn't care as long as he had Beau.

Talia could be heard laughing from the living room with Beau. Something Charlie hasn't heard since Renee left him behind. Charlie knew just from the tone of Renee's voice when she asked about Beau that she was regretting everything.

"Hey dad, we're heading out."

"Okay and Beau, call your mother."

"Why? She didn't want me, dad. If Renee feels guilty now than good because she deserves to know what pain is." Beau said walking away.

Charlie sighed knowing that it will take time to get his son to fully talk to his mother. Beau walked past Talia. Talia followed knowing he was upset. "Beau?"


"We can resched...." he cut her off by place his lips to hers. He need a distraction and Talia was that perfect distraction. She was all he needed for now.

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