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Her worse nightmare was coming true. Talia McCarty Cullen had to help fix dinner for Bella as she was going to get introduced to the family. Beau told her on the phone that she was okay and that he will be there with them. Talia was not looking forward to this.

"Talia give her a chance." Esme said.

"No." Talia tells her. "I'm sorry, but that girl attracts danger. Her blood smells so good that any vampire who smells her will try to kill her. Poor Jasper is already struggling with that, but no one besides me sees his struggles."

"We know that." Carlisle said. "This is for Edward."

"Wow." Talia said. "It's sad." Emmett grabbed his sister. "You guys rather look over Jasper's thirst for Edward."

When no one said a word, Talia put the knife down and left. Rosalie looked at them. "She has a point." She tells them. "Bella will bring us nothing, but danger."
Beau showed up, but noticed something was wrong. He walked ahead of Bella and Edward to see if Talia was here. "Talia?" He called out as he went to the kitchen.

"She's not here."

"Rose, where is she?" Beau asked.

"Far away from your sister."

Beau turned and looked at Bella and Edward. He shook his head and walked away. Bella was confused. "What just happened?"

"Talia doesn't want you here or better yet involved in this life."

"Why Beau then?"

"Beau is Talia's mate. She may hate the idea of turning him, but she had no other choice unless she wants to die too."

Bella looked at her brother who was reading a book waiting for Talia. She knew there was more to why Talia left and needed to know why. When Alice and Jasper arrived. So did Talia. The young McCarty walked around Jasper and pushed past Bella as Edward glared. "You know what happened the last time so take that damn glare off that face before I do something about it." She tells him as she walked towards Beau.

"How did you get her home?" Emmett asked.

"After we saw her wrestling a bear." Alice said. "Very interesting fight."

"Yeah." Jasper said. "Remind us to never piss her off."

"Why?" Bella asked.

"You don't want to know."
Talia was laying on Beau's chest not saying a word as they watched tv. Bella just watched from afar wishing Talia will talk to her, but this girl has some sort of problem with her. "Bella?"

"What did I do to make Talia not like me?" She asked him.

"Talia is like Rosalie. She envies you, but Talia also has anger towards you and me."

"Why you? You're her brother.'

"Yes, but since I met you, she has made herself distance." Edward tells her.

The two looked back at Talia. Bella wished she knew exactly what is going on through her head. Edward lead Bella upstairs making Talia smiled. "Why do you act like that around my sister?"

"She's nosy." Talia started out. "She thinks she has rights to know our stories through Edward. He doesn't have rights to even tell my story." Beau squeezed her hand. "I can't stand people getting into my business when they have no say so." She sighed. "I guess I need to stop protecting my family and just sit back and watch the danger come. Cause we all know that danger seems to attract itself to her."
That night, Beau took Talia someplace else so she could calm down. Instead of going home, Beau and Talia went to a near by hotel. After the few hours of them being there and making love, Talia laid in the bed as her mate slept. She thought back to why she couldn't stand Bella and remembered how badly Bella treated Beau when she first came to Forks.

She looked at Beau knowing he wants to give Bella a chance, but he's afraid for some reason. What ever caused the rival between them in the first place is making him keep his distance from his sister. Whatever caused it was something that Talia knew he couldn't trust her ever again.

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