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Talia found out that Bella figured them out. Beau arrived that night to calm her down, but that wasn't helping. Talia wanted to kill Bella. Edward arrived just for Talia to shove him against the wall. "Congrats you idiot! She knows and now this won't end well."

"Talia." Beau says. "Come on." He said.

"Beau, I wouldn't do that." Emmett tells him. "Talia is highly pissed. When she is like this she may end up killing you."

"She can't kill Edward though." Beau said. "I may not get along with Bella, but she shouldn't kill someone in her family." He looked at Talia. "I know you don't want that guilt for killing him."

Talia looked at Beau and went into his arms. He held her knowing she was upset, but there was nothing that could have been done.
The next day was horrible. Talia still was upset and Edward was crazy enough to follow Bella into the woods. She couldn't wish the girl dead because of Beau. "Beau."


"Are you giving your mom and sister a chance?"

"Mom, yes, but Bella. Not so much."

Talia laughed as she kissed him. "You sound like Rosalie and Edward."

"Seriously?" He questioned. "Comparing me to blondie."


Beau picked her up causing her to scream. Emmett laughed as he grabbed her and spun around with her. "Put me down! Emmett!" She yelled making her family, mate and other classmates laugh at the siblings. Beau laughed as he followed the siblings to class. No worries about the situation that is happening right now. It was just the laughter of Talia McCarty Cullen.

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