36 - I'm Ready

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Today is Monday which means that i have to get up and get ready for school. I turn off my alarm and head to the showers. I put on a pair of ripped denim jeans with a white crop top and a yellow cardigan, it's starting to get chilly in New York. I quickly do my make up and tie my hair into a nice braid. I put on my white converse and head downstairs.

"Morning mom!" I greet my mom and give her a kiss. "Morning Riley." She adds. I grab a bowl, scoop up some vanilla yogurt, and poured in some granola with fruits. I munch down my breakfast, and as soon as i was done, i hear a knock on my door. I rush to put the plate in my sink and say goodbye to my mom before heading out. I open the door and i see Shawn standing there wearing black jeans and a grey long sleeve, he looks so handsome. We both walk towards his Jeep and he opens the door for me as usual. I thank him and he jogs to the other side.

"Dayes, are you free after school?" Shawn asks while smiling. "Yeah I am, why?" I answer. "Remember i told you about how i was writing a song?" "Mhm" i chirp. "Well, i finished it last night, and i want to show it to you after school." "Oh my god, I'm so excited!" I tell him. I'm happy that he remembers his promise of showing it to me first, i feel really honoured. "Can we invite Darren?" I suggest. "Yeah okay."

When we reach school, we head to our lockers and grab our books for our first period, chemistry. I notice Darren walking towards our direction and wave at him. "Hey" he greets us. "Are you free after school?" I ask. "No sorry, i have football practice till 5." "Awe that's too bad. Maybe some other day?" I suggests and he nods. He walks away and joins his group of football friends.


School ended and Shawn and I are driving to Starbucks to get some coffee before going to his house. "Can we get 1 iced vanilla latte and 1 iced black coffee with cream and sugar?" "Okay, is that all I can get you?" The female barista says. "Yes, that's all." Shawn replies. "Okay, your bill will be ready for you at the counter." We drive off to the counter, and the female barista screams "Shawn Mendes?!" I see Shawn's face turn red, he must be shy from getting all the attention. "Yeah." He says softly. "Oh my god, i got it covered for you. Can i just get a quick selfie?" The barista requests and he nods. He grabs her phone and puts his head out slightly to take a selfie. "Have a good day Jess." He says after looking at her name tag. "You too!" She screams, and we drive off. "Perks of having a famous best friend." I joke before taking a sip of my Starbucks.

Shawn parks the Jeep and hops out, he opens the door for me and i thank him. I'm really excited to hear his song, i just know it will be good considering how talented he is. I say hello to Aaliyah and we go up to his room. I plop down on his bed and he grabs the guitar. "I'm so excited!" I exclaim and he smiles. "The song is called The Weight. I started writing it on the last day of Magcon when all i could think about was you. The lyrics are based on what we've been through. I hope you like it." He says before playing the song.

"I wanna go back forget that its over
Paint it in black, you left me alone
But i don't wanna wait."

He looks up at me after playing the song, and gives me a smile. "Wow Shawn, that was amazing." I compliment him sincerely. "You think so?" He asks while putting down his guitar. "Yeah, i can see you poured your heart and soul into it." "Thanks Riley, it means a lot to me." "Remember me when you're famous." He sits down on the bed with me and holds both of my hands. "I'll never forget you Ri." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, i just love this boy so much. At that moment, Shawn puts one of his hands on my cheeks and uses his thumb to rub my cheek. "I love you." He says while looking into my eyes. "I love you too." I reply. "I'll wait until you're ready. Even if it takes years, I'll always be here for you." He tells me, and i can tell he means it. My stomach twirls and dances after hearing his sweet words. "I'm ready." I answer and his lips crash into mine. Our eyes are closed and our lips move in sync. Everything feels right.

The Weight - Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now