39 - Island Records

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A few days later

"Oh my god." I mutter to myself as i read the text that i just received. "Hello I'm Andrew Gertler, a manager from Island Records. I love your voice and am interested in managing your career as i see great potential from you. Please give me a call if you're interested." The message read. I ran downstairs where my parents were and told them about the news. "You should go for it!" My dad encourages me. "I'm so proud of you Shawn." My mom hugs me.

After celebrating the news with my parents, I head back up to my room and dial Riley's number. She picks up almost immediately and answers "Hi babe." "Hey I've got some news to share." I start. "What's up?" "A manager from Island Records messaged me and he wants to sign me!" I yell excitedly. "That's great news! Are you gonna take it?" "I think so but I've yet to call him. I will do that after, i just wanted to let you know first." "Let me know the details. I'm so happy for you." She says. "Thanks baby, I'll talk to you later?" "Okay, bye." "Bye." And wit that i hang up the phone. I go back down the stairs to the living room and sit down with my parents so that we can talk to Andrew together.

"Okay, it's settled then. See you soon." He says before hanging up. I'm excited for what the future holds but I'm nervous about leaving Riley. One thing for sure is that i won't make the same mistake i did before, when i had to leave for magcon. This time I'll stay with her, because she means the world to me.

I grab my car keys and drive to Riley's house. I want to tell her the details face to face. I knock on the door and Riley swings it open. I immediately engulf her in a hug and she almost falls back from the weight but i manage to catch her. "Babe, you're kind of suffocating me." She says softly and i let go. "So how was the call?" She asks me while sitting down on the sofa. "We came to an agreement that I'll fly out to LA during the Christmas break and i guess he'll hear my singing. If he likes it, and i sign to the label, I'll start going to the studio after i complete junior year." I tell her. "What about senior?" "I'll probably have to finish it online." I say and she replies with an "oh". "Will you come to LA with me during Christmas break?" I ask her, hoping she'd say yes. "I-i don't know. That's a lot of money." She says while staring at the ground. "It's paid for. I already asked Andrew, i just need you to say yes." I say while moving closer to her. "Please?" I ask. "Fine, but I'll have to ask my parents first." She gives in and i kiss her on the lips. "I love you." I say in between each kiss and she laughs, causing us to pull away. "You're such a dork." She jokes before walking away to the kitchen.

"Are you gonna release the weight?" She asks from the kitchen. "Hopefully." I reply. She comes back to the sofa with a plate of brownies and 2 cups of coffee. We both start gulping down the food and drink and talk about our future. After we were done, i held Riley's hand in mine and i say "Babe, i won't make the same mistake of leaving you again. I promise this time we'll work everything out, no matter the distance." "Will you be gone for the whole senior year?" She sighs and i shake my head. "Most of it yes but I'll fly from LA to New York whenever i have the chance, I promise." "Okay, we'll text each other every day?" "Of course." I answer.

"Do you want to tell Darren?" She asks. I think about it for awhile, i still want to keep this news private as its still not really confirmed that I'll sign to the label. I look at Riley and she's staring at me, waiting for my answer. "Can Darren keep this a secret? I just don't want others to know and then i end up not getting signed." "I'm sure he won't tell anyone." She adds. "Alright, let's go over."

We head over to Darren's and she knocks on the door. Mrs Smith opens the door and greets us, "Hello Riley and Shawn, good to see you." She says and lets us in. "Darren's upstairs but." She says before turning around. "He's got a girl with him." She whispers. Riley eyes widen and I laugh, guess he finally moved on from Riley. "It's okay, we'll come back another time." Riley suggests. "Is it a quick one?" Darren's mom asks and I nod. "Okay, I'm sure Darren won't mind." She says before proceeding to call Darren.

Darren and the girl walks out of the room, and they spot us. He turns to the girl and say "Lauren, I'll be quick, just stay in my room." The girl nods before heading back in. "I'll leave you 3 to talk." His mom says before walking away. "Who's that?" Riley asks when Darren is approaching us. "That's a girl from my Calc class, her names Lauren. But enough about me, why are you guys here?" "Well, Shawn has something to say." She says while nudging me with her elbow. "Please keep this a secret, and don't tell anyone, okay?" "I promise." He answers. "Island Records is thinking about signing me." I say quietly. "Congrats Shawn." He tells me while giving me a bro hug. "I'm honoured you told me. Remember when you're famous." He says after winking and i laugh. "Okay, i got to go. You guys enjoy." He says in a rush. "I don't think we'll enjoy ourselves as much as you." Riley jokes and he rolls his eyes. We all say our goodbyes and the both of us leave.

To be honest, I'm excited about finally getting recognition from my singing. I feel like i need to thank Riley for really pushing me and motivating me to start singing again. Before i moved here, i was really shy and felt insecure of my singing from what happened in the past. But after meeting Riley, she made me feel comfortable and confident to sing in front of her. She told me how talented i was and it made me feel like singing again. I stare at Riley and smile, god how much i love this girl.

The Weight - Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now