13 - It's Offical

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We pull up into my favourite Italian restaurant, "Oh my god Shawn this place is amazing." "I know thats why i brought you here. I want this date to be perfect." He tells me. "Thanks Shawn, it really is perfect." I say. He jogs over to my side and opens the door for me, i thank him and get out. I love how he's been being extra chivalrous lately but he doesn't have to, but hey I'm not complaining because it makes me feel like a princess. We walk in the Italian restaurant with our hands intertwined, he tells the waiter that he has a reservation for 2 at 12.30 under Mendes and the waiter shows us our table. I'm surprised he managed to book a table for us on Saturday because this place is always packed, makes me wonder how long he's planned this for.

I ordered a garlic cream pasta and he orders lasagne. We chomp down on the delicious food and talk about how our day has been. After we finished our meals, we ordered the speciality tiramisu and shared it, it was truly amazing. When we got to the counter, I was ready to split the bill but Shawn insisted that the guy should always pay for the first date, and i let him. He paid for our meal and i gave him a side hug to thank him. We hopped on to his Jeep again and drove off to the next location.

Once we reached the park, I was taken aback. There was something about this part of the park that I've never been to that was extremely breathtaking. It was a big grass patch and it showed the skyline of the town. He took out a picnic mat from the back and we laid it out on the grass. "Wow Shawn, this is such a great view." I tell him. "Can I ask you something?" Shawn says as we sit down. "What's up?" I reply. "Riley Dayes, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while rubbing his hands on mine. "Oh my god, yes!" I exclaim and hug him. We pull away from the hug and our eyes are locked to one another. He looks down at my lips and leans forward to kiss me. Our lips move in synch and it feels like fireworks are going off in the back. We slowly pulled away and he hoops my nose.

"I'm really lucky to have you." Shawn confess. "And I'm lucky to have you too babe." I tell him. We then begin to reminisce our past on how we met and how we've been friends since high school started. Time really flew by quickly because the sun was beginning the set. "I wish we could stay like this forever." I say. "Me too, but we gotta get going. I promised your dad." He sighs and I nod. We put away the picnic mat in his Jeep and he drives me back home.

As we reach my house, i turn to Shawn and thank him "Today was the perfect date. Thank you babe." "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." We both lean towards each other and kissed one last time. I pull away from the kiss and smile. He rushes down the Jeep and opens the door for me, we walk over to my door and we say goodbye. My dad thanks Shawn for bringing me home before dinner. Shawn walks away back to his Jeep and drove off. I am officially Shawn Mendes' girlfriend, I say to myself and smile.

The Weight - Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now