2 - Chill

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It was the last period and I constantly looked up to check the time waiting for class to end. I just couldn't wait to see Shawn again and have him in my arms. He's honestly the reason why I want to go to school. When the bell rang I swear to god I have never packed my bag that fast and rushed out of the class, I then take out my phone and messaged him "Where are you? Meet me at the cafeteria?" I instantly smile at my phone when I hear it buzz almost immediately "See ya idiot" I head to the cafeteria, my footsteps quicken as I see Shawn with that cute 'bored' face of his as he waited for me. "Did you wait long?" He shakes his head and asks "What's the plan for today?" "Follow me" I say as i pull out my hand to hold his.

He's confused where I'm brining him and I laugh "Don't worry, I'm not going to kidnap you." Shawn rolls his eyes and smirks "Of course I knew that, and besides if you would kidnap me i wouldn't mind." My cheeks turn red and I laugh it off, does he want to spend a lot of time with me? After awhile of silence, I finally decide to tell him where we're going "Let's go to the diner and order take out to bring to your house and watch a movie." "Sounds like a good plan to me." Shawn replies. We hopped into Shawn's Jeep and drove to the best diner in town.


At the diner, as we queued up for food, she scratches her head and sighs "everything looks so good here Mendes. Why did you make my life so difficult by bringing me to such a great place" I point at two items on the menu "I see you've been eyeing on those two in particular" she looks up at me and smiles "You pick" she says. I look at her then to the menu "Pulled Pork burger" and I look back down at her to confirm whether my choice was right. She replies "I was hoping you'd say that, you really know me" I wink at her and she rolls her eyes "Never mind I take it back" I pout and she chuckles. We were so into our conversation that we didn't even realise that it was our turn to order. "Hello?" The lady at the cashier looks at us, actually, she looked at Riley but she was staring intensely at me as if she was scanning me from head to toe which she probably was. I ignored her and continue to order what we want "Take out please"

As we finish ordering we head to a few seats that were empty to sit while we wait for our food. "She was totally checking you out" she breaks the silence, I furrow my eyebrows together and asks "She did?" "Totally" she said without looking me in the eyes. I start bursting into a huge laughter and she smacks my arm. "Someone's jealous" I pointed out. Her face immediately flushed red and she starts covering her now red-hot cheeks. "Order number 81!" A guy exclaimed. "That's us" I say and walk to the counter to collect our take out "thank you" I say politely before leaving the store.

We head to my house, gossiping about the people in our school and making a fool of ourselves. When we reached my house, she was greeted by many hugs from Aaliyah and my mum, this was practically her second home. We then head upstairs to my bedroom and I pass her one of my sweaters so that she could change into something more comfortable as I pick a movie to watch. When she came out of the bathroom I stopped my search and looked at her with awes in my eyes "You definitely look better in that sweater than I do" I compliment her sincerely. She playfully hits my thighs and we both laugh at how awkward we were acting as old friends. I picked out a movie that Ive been wanting to watch for awhile and showed it to her for approval "Really? She's the man?" I nod "Hey, why not?" "Fine" she gives in and I smile.

We both get on the bed and cuddle each other as we watch the movie. As the movie credits start to roll in, i look over to see Riley yawning. "Was the movie too boring?" I ask. "No no it wasn't it was really good and funny. I'm just tired." "Wanna nap then?" Her lips curve into the biggest smile Ive seen yet so far "Yes please" I chuckle and jump out of bed and get some earphones to listen to calming music and sleep. Soon after spooning and listening to music she begins to fall asleep and shortly I do too.

When I open my eyes, Riley is already gone. I cant believe she left without waking me up, was she in a rush? I text her, asking her where she was but she hasn't replied and it's making me worry.

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