14 - Misunderstandings

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It was Monday which meant the first day being back to school as couple. Throughout the whole day, all i could think about was Shawn. It was after school, i was walking to my locker and that was when a saw a sight. A sight that i may never be able to erase in my head.

Shawn was leaning on my locker and a blonde girl was leaning towards him. They were laughing and talking and really seem to enjoy each other's company. As i walked up to my them i cough a little. "Excuse me, this is my locker" i said pointing to it. "Hey! Just the girl i was waiting for!" Shawn exclaims and tries to pull me in for a hug but i push him away. I glared at the blonde and she rolled her eyes but got the signal. She said goodbye and left. "whats wrong babygirl?" he looks at me with that oh-so innocent eyes. I was not in the mood to deal with him after what i just saw. I looked into my locker, avoiding any eye contact with Shawn. I shook my head telling him a no, he sighs and looks down to his toes. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes but i took a deep breathe and tried to hide all my feelings.

"I'm sorry Riley. Can you please tell me what i did wrong? I want to change! For you!" Shawn cries. "I-i don't know, I just felt confused by your actions." I stuttered. "My actions?" He asked, confused. "Are you sure you like me?" I say and let a tear roll down my cheeks. Immediately he says "Yes i do, always have and always will." He pulls me so I'm facing him and cups my face to wipe a tear off. "Sorry, I saw you with another girl and i just got jealous. It's the first day back to school as a couple and it feels like other girls are trying to take you away from me." I confess. "She's nothing compared to you Dayes!" Shawn exclaims. "You were all giggles with her though" "I am with you too! But the difference is, when i see her laugh i feel nothing. When i see you laugh, i feel like the world has stopped, i feel my stomach being filled with butterflies. And besides she's just a friend to me" "Im sorry, i should've known better" he shakes his head and smiles. "Its okay now, we're okay now" he re-assures me and i smile.

I really should've known that Shawn would never do that to me like. That was so stupid of me! How could I accuse that innocent boy that he's playing with my feelings? He's Shawn Mendes, he'll never ever do that.


~ 1 week later~

Its been awhile since our little misunderstanding. Riley and i have been going stronger than ever. She holds onto my arm everytime we're out together. It was Friday, i was planning to go to Riley's house to hang out after school but first i went home to change into something more comfortable. As i walked up to her house, I knock on the door and almost immediately she opened it. "Mendes! What are you doing here?" she asks with her eyes glistening. "Im here to irritate you all day." i reply and she rolls her eyes at me. I wink at her and she kisses my cheek.

She lets me in and i head up to her bedroom. I look at the pictures that she hung up on her wall. It was the ones we took when we went to the carnival and i won a big stuffed bear for her. I smile at the photo and she walks in "I love those photos too" she says because she noticed me staring at them. "I have them on the fridge" i added and she smiles. "So what do you wanna do?" she asks me and i suggest "Let's bake some muffins together!" Riley looks at me with the 'are you serious?' face and i nod. She sighs "Let me check if i have the ingredients." and she goes down to the kitchen and i follow her.

After rummaging around for awhile, we found all the ingredients we needed. I pump my fist in the air and shout 'YES' and she just laughs. I googled up the instructions and we followed.

As she was beating the eggs i was preparing the chocolate because we were making chocolate chip muffins. We were standing at opposites end of the counters not facing each other. I turned around and checked out her body, damn im so lucky to have her, shes perfect.

I creep up behind Riley and give her a back hug. She shoots up a little from being surprised but just chuckles after she saw me. "Shawn!!" "What?" i ask. "Youre supposed to be working on the chocolate" "Im really enjoying this moment, dont ruin it." i say as i close my eyes. I really wanted to cherish the moment of having her in my arms. She tries to push me away but i stood still, i mean compared to her strength and mine, i was obviously stronger. "You wanted to bake and now im doing all the work" Riley complains. I gave her a peck on her neck and slowly let go. She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck "Dont tease me like that shawny" i lick my lips and she goes really close to my face. i lean in to kiss her but she pulls away. "Sorry shawny but these lips dont come so easliy" she says and i pout. Fuck, that girl totally knows how to turn me on. "Now go and continue your work and maybe you'll get more than just a muffin." she says and smirks a little. i raise my eyebrows up and down cheekily and go back to doing what i was doing, the chocolate.

After i was done with my part, she was done too. We mixed our dough and chocolate together and put it into the muffin cups. We then put it into the pre-heated oven and wait.

"Are we gonna continue from just now?" i ask, hoping she'll say yes. She nods as she slowly walks up to me. I put my arms around her waist and she puts hers around my neck. I grab her and spun her around, slowly lifting her, making her sit on the kitchen counter. She taps gently on my nose and says "We have 20 minutes before the muffins are ready." "So what are we gonna do for the 20 minutes?" I ask even though i know what i wanna do. "Hmm i dont know. But i wish we can just stay like this." I nod and kept the eye contact. I slowly lean in and she does too. Our lips meet and i feel the electricity all over my body. Our lips move in sync and a gentle kiss soon turned into something passionate. I rub her back up and down with the rhythm of the kiss. I got carried away and put my hand up her shirt. She pulled away but our noses still touching, "No, we can't. We shouldn't." "I-im sorry, i got carried away" i remove my nose from touching hers. Oh man, i screwed up. She shakes her head and jokes "Its okay, your boy hormones got to you" I chuckle and i could feel my face heat up. I was embarrased.

Suddenly, we heard a 'ding' and both our heads turn to the oven. Wow 20 minutes havent passed by that fast before. "The muffins are ready" i exclaim and she hops down from the counter. I take an oven glove and take out the muffins. I put it down on the counter and take out one of the muffin and take a bite. After i took a bite, i immediately regretted it. It was hot, i opened my mouth and blew out air. She laughs at the sight of me and says "Silly Shawn"

Authors note!
Sorry for a lot of time skips but the story has kinda just started hehe. Keep on reading i swear it gets juicer !!!

The Weight - Shawn Mendes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon