40 - Senior Year

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Today's the start of senior year, things are gonna be different this year since Shawn will be in LA fulfilling his dream of becoming a singer and I'm still here in New York trying to finish high school. Oh right, if you didn't know Shawn and I went to LA over the Christmas break last year and Shawn sang a cover of "Drop in the Ocean" to Andrew and he loved it. Shawn signed the contract, and i was so glad i was able to watch it all happen. His parents took a billion pictures of him that day, they were very proud of their son. Shawn and I spent a few days in LA sightseeing after and flew back home just in time for New Years. We had our New Years kiss on my backyard and it was magical.

Sadly right after junior year ended, he had to fly to LA to start recording his new single. Although i was pretty sad that i had to spend my summer vacation without him, we texted and FaceTime everyday which made me miss him a little less. Long distance relationships are hard but we made it work. I also spent some time with Darren and his girlfriend Lauren. It was not that fun being a third-wheel but Lauren is the sweetest person i've ever met, i'm surprised we weren't friends earlier.

"Riley, do you wanna ride with us to school?" Darren texted me. "Yes please." I type back and quickly get ready. I went for a quick shower and then changed into black skinny jeans and a beige crop top, paired with my classic vans. I run downstairs and toasted some eggos waffle to eat. I quickly munch down the waffle and head to Darren's. Darren was already in the car and was rushing me to hurry up because he needed to fetch Lauren. Lauren lived 5 minutes away from us but it was in the opposite direction of school, so Darren had to drive as fast as he can so we wouldn't be late.

As he pulled up to Lauren house, she had a big smile on her face when she saw us. She looked beautiful wearing a yellow dress, and with her hair curled. "Morning beautiful." Darren says and kisses her on the cheek. "Hey guys." She greets us, and i reply with a "hello". Darren drove us to the school while me and Lauren had some girl talk.

"Do you miss Shawn?" She asks me. "Of course, it doesn't feel the same without him." I answer. "Well, you'll have us now, you won't be alone." Lauren says while looking at Darren. He smiles and nods. "Thanks you guys." I say and i mean it. I don't think I'll be able to make it through senior year without them. We arrive at school and i see everyone whispering among themselves and pointing at me. One of the cons of having a famous boyfriend is getting all the attention. Lauren stood in between Darren and I, and linked our arms with hers. "Let's have a great senior year!" She exclaims and Darren laughs.


School ends and I'm walking home alone. It feels nice to be able to have time by myself after a hectic day. Many people were coming up to me and asking me about Shawn. There were also a few girls who said that i don't deserve Shawn but i didn't care about what they have to say. They don't know Shawn the way i do. I turn in to my house and run up to my room. I lay down on my bed and text Shawn to see what he's up to.

"Hey, just ended school. What are you doing?" I type in and hit send. After about 10 minutes, i hear a notification and its from Shawn. "Are you free to FaceTime right now?" He asks and without replying i call him. "Hey honey." He answers with his messy hair. "Hi babe." "How's first day of senior year?" "It was okay, i had Darren and Lauren with me thankfully. I was also bombarded with questions about you from people i don't even know so that was hectic." I tell him, purposely leaving out some girls saying rude comments about me. "That's good, I'm glad you have them." He replies with a smile on his face. "How's you?" I ask. "My new single is gonna be released soon, and i want you to be the first to hear it." He says and my eyes lit up. "Ooh what's it called?" "Life of the party." "Sounds good already I compliment." "I'll play it for you once I'm there this weekend." "You're coming this weekend?!" I shout. "Yeah but I'll only be there for a couple of days before i go back to LA." "Good enough for me." I tell him.


"Shawn!" I exclaim when i see him at the airport. "Ri!" He yells and runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Awe." Aaliyah coos and he lets go of me to hug her. "I've missed you guys so much." He says while looking at all of us. I help him with his belongings and we hop inside his family's car and head to his house.

Once we reach his house, i helped him to unpack while he tells me how busy he's been at the studio, which i already know from our daily texts but it was nice to see him talk about his experience in person. After we were done unpacking, he took out his guitar and said, "Riley, will you have the honours to be the first person to hear my new single Life of The Party?" "Of course." I say while taking a seat on his bed. He starts strumming his guitar and singing, and I'm mesmerised.

"I love it when you just don't care
I love it when you dance like there's nobody there
Cause we don't have to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party."

"It's gonna be a hit, guaranteed." I compliment Shawn and he thanks me. "I showed Andrew The Weight and he says its a good song, but it shouldn't be my first single." He tells me and i nod. "I think I'm gonna release it in my first album if this single does well." "I'm sure it'll do well. I love it." I tell him honestly and he gives me a hug and a kiss.

Shawn Mendes, a talented guy with the heart of gold. We've been through many ups and downs together, but it has helped us to become who we are today. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend, he truly makes me want to be a better person. I just know he'll be extremely famous soon once his single is released but for now I'll just enjoy the moment we share. I love you Shawn.

The End.
Author's Note!

I hope you liked the book as much as I liked writing it! Riley and Shawn have come do far, I'm really proud of them. Shawn is going to be famous and finally getting the recognition he deserves. I don't think there will be a sequel for this book but I'll be writing another book some time soon so stay tuned for that! I love you all <3

The Weight - Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now