38 - I'm Always Here For You

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I woke up feeling sore in my cheeks. "It's probably from all the smiling i did before sleeping." I thought to myself. Well, what happened last night was that I couldn't fall asleep because i kept thinking about how i am Shawn's girlfriend again and how lucky i am to have him. I'm also so glad that Shawn and Darren have cleared things up last night. I was snapped out of my thoughts when i suddenly remember i need to get ready for school. I do my usual morning routine and head out.

"Hey beautiful." Shawn greets me and kisses me on the lips. "Hello there." I asnswer. He grabs my hand and we walk towards the Jeep, and without fail he opens the door for me. He jogs back to the driver seat and hops in. "Do you remember a time when we were just friends and you didn't open the car door for me?" I ask him while reminiscing our past. "Yeah I remember." He replies. "What made you start doing that?" "Well, after i realised we both had feelings for each other, it made me want to treat you better and show you how much i love and care about you." He says while placing his right hand on my thigh. "Thank you Shawn. I love you so much."

After a 15 minute drive, we arrive to school. Before Shawn gets out, i grab his arm and say "Wait, I'm kind of nervous." "What are you nervous about?" He asks while turning to face me. "It's our first day back at school as a couple, it's quite scary you know. Having a famous boyfriend and all." "Don't be, okay? I'm always here for you." "Okay." I reply and he hops out.

We walk into school holding hands and i hear some guys whistling and some girls whispering. It felt like everyone's attention was on us, and it made me feel slightly sick. We walk towards our lockers and Britney comes up to me. "So I heard you and Shawn are a thing now?" She starts and i reply with a "yeah". "Can't believe he rejected me for you. He must be blind." She says before walking away, making my blood boil. "And you must be blinded for popularity because you just wanted to use him." I shoot back and she turns around. Shawn walks towards me and places his arm on my shoulder. "You guys won't last anyways." She spits and stomps off. "Don't listen to her, I'm always here for you." He reminds me and i hug him.

The day went by pretty quickly. No one else really came up to me and said anything bad which I'm glad. I had heard a few people who i walked pass wish our relationship well. Shawn had a few friends from his choir that complained to me about how Shawn wouldn't shut up about having me as his girlfriend which was quite funny. But what made the day pass really quick was having Shawn by my side the whole time. I guess it's true when people say that time goes fast when you're enjoying yourself.

Shawn and I spent the day at his house again. This time i helped him filmed some covers for his YouTube and vine. We also did some funny vines together which had many likes and comments. Some of the comments were mean but they were mostly good, saying that they shipped us together. Shawn wouldn't let me read the mean comments though, which was sweet of him.

"Would you stay for dinner again?" Shawn pleads after looking at the time. "Sorry babe but i have to go home and finish up my work." "Alright." He says while pouting, which made my heart melt. Even though it was hard to say no to him, i had to. I kiss him on lips while tip toeing and he carries me up till my legs are wrapped around his torso. Our lips move in harmony and we both slowly pull away at the same time. He lets me down slowly and i grab my things. We walk out of the house and i say bye to Aaliyah. He drove me back home and he kisses me on the cheek. Before leaving he whispers in my ear, "I'm always here for you." I guess that would be his thing while we're together, considering he has said it to me 3 times today. But it feels good being reminded that he'll always have my back no matter what, and I'd do the same.

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