25 - Stay For The Night

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"Riley, you're not going to stay the night? Catch up with Shawn?" My mom asks. I look up at Shawn and he's looking at me. I want to stay the night with Shawn like how we used to, but I'm scared that things will be awkward between us. Before i know it I'm saying yes, I cant believe i just agreed to stay the night. I see a smile plastered on Shawn's face, thank god he's okay with me staying. "Great, i trust you two." My mom says and leaves.

Shawn rubs the back of his head and asks "Do you wanna change into something more comfortable?" I nod and we went up to his room. We always kept an extra pair of clothes in each other's houses just in case we decide to stay the night and weren't prepared. I grabbed my sweatpants and his white shirt, and went to wash up in his bathroom. When i got back to his room, he was already changed into his sweat pants and sweater.

I sat down on his bed while he was sitting down on his chair. "I'm glad you had fun at magcon with all the boys and Mahogany." I tell him. He shoots out of the chair and exclaims "Oh wait, I forgot!" Shawn rummages through his bag and luggage and pulls out a box wrapped with colourful wrapping paper. "I got you this when I was in San Fran, it reminded me of you." He says as he handed me the gift.

"Thank you Shawn but u didn't have to, the flower and cookie was more than enough." I quickly started unwrapping the gift and it was a pair of gold earrings. I gasp and hug him, "Thank you Shawn, I love it!" He hugs me tighter with his arms around my waist, and whispers "I knew you'd like it." Why did that give me butterflies in my stomach?

I pull away from the hug and put the earrings on. "They look stunning on you." He compliments me and i blush. "If i had known you were coming home today, i would've gotten you something as well." "It's okay Ri, I wanted to surprise you." "You definitely surprised me." I say and we both laugh.

"Anyways, how was your fall break?" Shawn asks as he walk towards the bed. "It was okay, wish you were here though." "And i wish you had come with me to magcon." He tells me while looking into my eyes. "Did you meet many pretty girls in magcon?" I quickly ask to avoid his eyes but i just realised i asked a very dumb question, of course he did. "Nope, none of them were as pretty as you." He says and i playfully punch his arm. "I'm serious! You're the prettiest girl I've ever met, inside and out." My heart races and i look away to let my heart cool down from Shawn's intense gaze. "Did you fall for another guy while I was gone?" He asks seriously. I turn to look back at him and laugh, "How could i? When all i could think about was you for the whole 2 weeks!" He smiles and lets out a sigh of relief.

The both of us are now staring at each other, just a few centimetres away. I hope he knows that i am still in love with him. My thoughts were interrupted by Shawn asking "Can i kiss you?" I look down at his lips and nodded. The next thing i know, our lips are pressed against each other and moving in synch. He puts his hand on my head and i lay down. He's hovering on top of me and we kiss intensely. Ive missed this so much, and i can tell he does too. Shawn pulls away slowly and uses his thumb to rub my cheek.

"I still love you Riley." "I love you too Shawn."

Authors Note!

OMG Shawn's back and things are going well for the Shawley ship!! I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, i really put my heart and soul into it. If you could vote, it would mean the world to me.

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