Chapter Seven

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"So tell me Kenna. Are you seeing anyone?" Nat asks, reclining on my bed while I search my closet for something to wear to this party.

"No. Most guys don't want to date a woman who can kick their ass strangely enough."

I bring two dresses out and show them to Nat. She shakes her head and I keep searching.

"Yeah I know. I thought I had one who didn't care about that but he...well he's not here anymore."

"He really hasn't been seen anywhere?"

"Nope, Steve's had no luck finding Bucky and Bruce is nowhere to be found either."

"Maybe now that we have my program we can find both of them. What about one of these?"

I bring out two more dresses and she smirks, pointing to the shiny blue dress in my left hand.

"That one. As for Bruce, he left for a reason. I drug him here once and it didn't end well. I just want him to be happy, he didn't want this life. I can't really fault him for that."

I put the other dress back and walk to the mirror with the blue one, holding it up in front of me.

"Hey mind if I join you guys?" Wanda asks, sticking her head in my door.

"Of course you can join us hun." I smile at her. "Do you have your dress for the party?"

"I don't think I'm going to go." She says sitting beside Nat on my bed.

"Why not?" Nat asks.

"I'm not big on crowds." She shrugs.

"Vision's going. I think he likes you."

"What?" Wanda looks at Nat startled.

"I've seen the way he looks at you when he doesn't think anyone's watching."


I turn back to the mirror and smile. She may not have liked crowds but that didn't seem like the whole story to me. She certainly seemed interested in Vision possibly liking her though; she was starting to blush.

"You should come. It wouldn't be the same without you. Besides it will be fun."

"Yeah. Kenna's dateless, so am I. We can have a girls night!"

"I'm game. Do you know if Pepper is coming?"

"I don't think so. He's been staying here, even when she's been in town which isn't a very often. I think they're taking a break."

"Wanda you have to go. Please?" I pout, sticking my lip out while looking at her in the mirror.

"Fine." She giggles, "Girl's night it is."

"I'm going to go get ready. Time to show the boys what they're missing." Nat purrs making Wanda and I laugh. "Meet you downstairs?"

"We'll be there."

Nat leaves and I walk over to sit with Wanda. She looks up as I sit down and she bites her lips.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't have anything to wear."

"You're welcome to raid my closet."


"Of course. I didn't get to have siblings when I was a kid. My mom died giving birth to me and dad was a career Marine. He never remarried or even dated as far as I know and then he died when I was ten; I was put into foster care, I had no other family. I know I'll never be able to replace Pietro and I'd never want to but I've always wanted a sister."

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