Chapter Fourteen

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I was so tired of going to funerals, two funerals in less than a week was more than I wanted to go to. Pepper's had hit me hard and though Peggy had been a friend of my father's I hadn't really known her all that well. Watching Steve and Sharon together had almost been reason enough not to go but I knew my father would've been angry with me if I'd skipped it.

Friday was still trying to narrow down where the two missiles had been fired from and I was trying to be patient but it was hard. I'd gone for a swim after we came back from Peggy's funeral and had made a pit stop in the gym before I finally made it up to my office after a quick shower.

My tablet beeps as I sit down at my desk and I pick it up; a flashing red message fills the screen as it comes on.

"Possible sighting of Sergeant Barnes." The message reads.

I tap it and it opens a map of the world, zooming in quickly on a small town in Romania. I tap again and it brings up a still image captured by what appears to be an ATM on the sidewalk. After looking over the picture as a whole I zoom in on a man on the opposite side of the street. It wasn't a very good image but the man did resemble Bucky.

Backing out I pull up a map of the city and search for other cameras in the same area, trying to get a better look at the man. It takes a few minutes but I find him again and follow him as he walks through the city, only losing him briefly before I find him again. Right before he ducks into a building he looks up and I get a clear view of his face.

"Friday, is Sam in the building?"

"No, he left with Captain Rogers a moment ago. Would you like me call him?"

"No thank you. Is Tony here?"

"He's in his office."

"Thank you."

Getting up again I grab my tablet and head next door. I knock and Tony looks up from his work table, smiling at me.

"Hey Tony. Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about something."

"Of course. Come in. Is something wrong?"

I lean against the table in front of him, he puts his on my hips and looks up at me. We'd taken the next step together and were officially dating. The rest of the team hadn't been surprised in the least and like Steve had assumed we were already a couple but unlike Steve they were happy for us.

"Not wrong but I need to show you something. You know I've had my program scanning for Bruce and Bucky for the last few weeks. Well it just found one of them."


"No, he seems to be truly off the grid but I'm not giving up yet. I did find Bucky."

"You want to go get him don't you?"

"I do. We know Hydra still has agents out there and they've already got to close to finding him. All it would take for him to become the Winter Soldier again is a few words and I can't let them do that to him again when I can help it. If he's here everyone is safe, including him."

I knew Tony wasn't a huge fan of his, especially after we'd found the report of the death of Tony's parents. We'd talked about it and though he knew it'd been Hydra that made him kill them it still hurt just the same. I couldn't blame him but I knew the Bucky I knew was still in there and he was in trouble.

"I know you're right but the thought of him being here, especially around you after what he did to you in Siberia makes me nervous."

He pulls me towards him so him straddling his lap and I cup his face with my hands. I could see the concern for me on his face. I lean in and kiss him gently and he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. I knew he was afraid of losing more people.

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