Chapter Twenty

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It was still raining as we rolled out of bed the next morning and ate our breakfast. I'd chosen a silky black pant suit with a silky blue shirt so even if I did get rained on it wouldn't really show. Tony and I both wore a pin of the Wakandan flag as well though I still had not heard from T'Challa.

Tony was going to stand beside me and hold an umbrella for us while I gave the release and answered a few questions. He'd already warned me it was going to be difficult for him to keep his hands to himself; he hadn't wanted to get out of bed at all.

He was smirking at me as we stepped up onto the stage promising me a fun afternoon after we were done here with his eyes. I roll my eyes and smirk back at him as we take our places behind the podium and look out at the gathered reporters under their own umbrellas.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. My name is Makenna James and I am the director of the Avengers. I'll keep this as short as possible so we can all get in out of this rain. At ten o'clock yesterday morning a bomb that was placed in a news van that was covering the United Nations Assembly here at the Vienna International Centre. Before law enforcement could defuse the bomb it exploded and caused extensive damage to the building and plaza. This heinous act of terrorism tragically claimed the life of King T'Chaka of Wankada and injured several others, all of which have since been released from the hospital. Our hearts go out to the people of Wakanda and the royal family for the loss they have suffered.

"Sergeant James Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier is wanted in connection to the events that took place and we are asking for the public's help in tracking him down. He is a former Hydra agent but appears to be acting on his own accord now, we are unsure what motived this attack but as a similar bomb was used to blow up the car in the United States that belonged to a member of my team it is assumed my team was the target.

"If you do see him please contact the Joint Terrorism Task Force tip line. Please do not approach him yourself. He should be considered armed and dangerous. Thank you. I'll take a few questions before we go."

All hands shot up and I point to a woman in the back.

"You are a new face in the Avenger's. Is it safe to assume you have some power over flames given the statements the members of the assembly gave here and what happened in Lagos."

"Yes, I contained the flames, I have a special ability with fire."

"What are you called?" The same reporter asks.

"We call her the Blue Phoenix." Tony answers from beside me and I smirk at him.

I point at a young man on my left who raises his hand before anyone else.

"Do you think they'll be more attacks and if so where?"

"At this time we are unsure if there will be further attacks but now that his face is plastered on every news media around the world we think he will lay low for at least a little while until the heat dies down, that's why we want to find him now before he can cause any more trouble."

"Next question?" I point to an older man on my right.

"Why are the Avengers leading the investigation and not Interpol if you think your team is who he's after?"

"The Avengers aren't leading the investigation directly, if we were it would be either Director Ross or Director Fury here now. My team as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Joint Counter Terrorism Centre are tasked with dealing with individuals with advanced tech or strengths that would put regular law enforcement officers in more danger than necessary. Sergeant Barnes is considered an advanced individual given his time with Hydra as well as his status as a Super Soldier and therefore falls under our purview."

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