Chapter Sixteen

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I was sitting in the conference room finishing up my notes on the petition Guterres gave us yesterday since we'd spent the rest of the night having fun. They wanted to make the Avengers a recognized origination similar to Interpol but dealing primarily with advanced humans and individuals from other planets. That part didn't surprise me really, what did surprise me was the fact they wanted to make S.H.I.E.L.D. and the J.C.T.C. subsidiaries of ours and I'm not sure how Fury or Ross are going to feel about that, I'm not sure how I felt about it for that matter.

My only other reservation was that they wanted us to start a registry of all the advanced people we work with or run across, which in and of itself isn't that big of a deal but I knew if that list were to fall into the wrong hands it could be disastrous. I understood the reasoning behind wanting one but there were so many things that could go wrong, including alienating people who could've helped us.

A knock on the door makes me look up. Steve stood in the doorway looking very nervous and my anxiety spikes.

"Is something wrong with Buck?" I ask, pushing to my feet.

"No," he says quickly holding his hands up, "he's asleep in his room, he's fine."

"Then what do you want?" I ask running my fingers through my hair as I focus back on the petition.

"Can we talk?"

"About?" I ask, leaning back in my chair.

"I feel horrible about how I've treated you since... since we..."

"Slept together." I finish for him with a chuckle, "We've already been over this Steve. Why do you want to go over it again? You're clearly not comfortable just saying the words out loud."

"Because... " He sighs, "because you deserve to know the truth."

"Truth?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, "Well now you have my attention."

He crosses the room and pulls the chair next to me out. Sitting down he rests his elbows on his knees and stares at his hands.

"Before you came here everything had been easy... I didn't have to think about anything and then you walked in and I started questioning... everything. You know now that I was dating Sharon when you and I... slept together but I've never felt like I did for you that night for her. It'd been easy to just blame it on the ale but that doesn't explain why I'd been scanning the crowd for you long before I'd had any..."

"I don't know why you're telling me this now Steve. A month ago it might've made a difference but it didn't've never... slept with anyone before? You and Sharon don't..."

"No. She wants to but I just can't..."

"I am so sorry! Why me?"

It was my turn to blush. I'd deflowered Captain freaking America!

"Why are you sorry? As you've pointed out, I came to you. I remember you saying we shouldn't because we weren't sober but I just wanted you so badly. Was I... was it... good for you?"

I can't stop the giggle from escaping but luckily Steve just smirks instead of getting offended. I could not believe the direction this conversation had taken.

"I'd have never guessed that had been your first time Steve. I was sore in all the right places so as far as the sex I had no complaints. But this conversation is a month too late. I waited for you but you chose Sharon and I'm with Tony now."

"I know. I messed everything up, I waited too long. I was just embarrassed and I was sure you'd hate me once you found out about Sharon. I just had to tell you that I love you, even if it changes nothing for you."

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