Final End Credit Cut Scene

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"Whatcha working on? I thought we agreed to no work while on vacation?" Tony asks dripping water on me.

"It's not work, not really. Just an idea I had. If you give me two minutes I'll put it away I promise. I just want to get it down while it's fresh in my mind."

We'd flown, via the Stark Industries helicopter, to the Bora Bora after Steve and I had returned from the Raft, a very wary Zemo in tow. After a quick update Ross and Fury where we handed Zemo off to them to get him to Rikers, Tony had whisked me away without telling me where we were headed. We'd agreed on the flight that once the helicopter landed we wouldn't do anything work related for the two weeks we were escaping for.

"How am I the one following the rules for a change? That does not seem like me." He complains, ignoring my statement.

"Maybe I'm starting to rub off on you Mr. Stark. But I promise, just give me a minute and then I'm all yours again."

"I'm going to hold you to that Ms. James." He leans in and kisses me lightly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Stark but there's an alert on Mr. Parker's suit." Friday says, taking over the screen of my tablet.

"What kind of alert?" I ask, sitting up.

"He seems to be rising rapidly into the air. Would you like to bring up his eye cam?"

"Yes." Tony says, perching on the lounge chair beside me.

I hand him the tablet as video takes over the screen. It was after dark in New York so there wasn't much to see.

"Friday what am I looking at? How far up is he?"

"Just passed one thousand feet and still climbing fast." Friday answers.

The image stops spinning as much, focusing on some kind of winged figure that seems to be holding on to Peter's foot. The figure turns his head, looking down at Peter with a pair of glowing green eyes and my heart stops.

"Friday deploy his parachute and send a suit to help in case the birdbrain comes back around."

Peter's chute opens but instead of opening like it's supposed to it gets trapped around his body as he plummets towards the ground.

"Tony." I whisper, my heart jumping into my throat.

"Yeah I see it. Friday where's he going to land?"

"He's headed for the river sir, there's nothing else in the area."

"If he hits the water at the speed he's going he's going to be discombobulated at the very least, and if the chute's still wrapped around him..."

"How far is the suit out?" Tony growls.

"One minute but Mr. Parker will have already hit the water by the time it arrives." Friday says.

"Well step on the gas!" Tony yells, "I can't... the kid can't get hurt. What was he even doing?"

"Hey, calm down, it will be okay. He's a tough kid."

Peter hits the water with a large splash and as I'd expected he seems dazed, not attempting to swim to the surface, simply fighting with the parachute that's sticking to him. Tony stands up, my tablet still clutched in his hands and he starts pacing.

"Anytime now Friday. Where's the suit?"

"Entering the water now sir."

"Get him out of the water and find somewhere private to set down. Mr. Parker and I need to have a talk."

"Yes sir."

"Tony come sit back down. Friday how are Peter's vitals looking? Anything broken?"

"His vitals look good and no sign of any broken bones."

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