Chapter Twenty One

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It'd been the longest two days of my life waiting for the boys to make their appearance and though Tony did his best to keep me distracted there was always this nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me how badly this could turn out. That wasn't to say that I didn't enjoy the two days of free time with Tony because I did but that voice just wouldn't go away.

I'd woken up about an hour ago and have been reading anything I could get my hands on regarding Zemo. Tony was sound asleep as I'd rolled out of bed and I was a bit envious; sleep had begun eluding me more and more after the explosion. When I did manage to sleep it was always about death, be it my own or someone I loved.

I was scrolling through documents on my tablet as my phone starts ringing beside me. Nat's face smiling at me from the screen, I swipe to answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Nat, isn't it late there? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine here. I saw you were logged into the system. Everything going okay over there? How are things with Tony?"

"Yeah, we're good here. It's been kind of nice to have some mostly down time the last couple of days. We put a lock on the bridge here." I smile, leaning back against the couch cushion.

"Really? That's awfully...sentimental for Tony. I think you might be turning him into a softie." She giggles.

"He can be very sentimental, his idea of gifts just tend to be..."


"That's a good word, but he means well and I love him."

"I know you do. I've seen the way you look at him, and judging by the way he's still looking at you during the interviews I'd say he loves you too."

"I think so too." I smile, tucking my hair behind my ears, "So what are you doing up?"

"Just running some recon around the area the boys should be popping up. Have you heard from any of them?"

"No. You?"

"No, they said they'd be running radio silent. I haven't heard from them since they left shortly after the plan was agreed on."

"I still don't like this. Steve..."

"Is a big boy," she cuts me off, "They'll be fine. You know we miss you over here."

"I miss you too. But if he finds out somehow..."

"Zemo? How would he find out?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling. I don't want anyone to get hurt..."

"Have some faith girly. The boys know what they're doing. So things are going good between you and Tony? I saw you two made it official."

"We did. That was magical."

I glance up and see Tony standing in the shadows looking at me with a strange look on his face, tears glimmering in his eyes.

"Hey I gotta go." I say and hang up, pushing to my feet. "Hey, sorry did I wake you?"

He retreats down the hallway back to the bedroom and I follow him. He sits on the edge of the bed and runs his fingers roughly through his hair muttering something under his breathe before looking up at me, that same strange look still on his face.

"Tony, are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?" I ask, sitting on the bed beside him.

I reach for him but he pulls away from me, standing up and I furrow my brow. He paces the floor in front of me and I watch him completely confused.

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