Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So these ones don't need a magic spell I take it?" Tony asks as we take up a position blocking the exit.

"They didn't get that far. Went crazy their first training session after they got your dad's serum." Bucky answers, "Killed six agents before they were finally subdued."

"Erskine said that his serum projected and amplified what the person already is."

"This team was the worst of the worst. The U.S. government wouldn't authorize my old team to try and take them down, and that was before the serum."

"So what do we do?" Tony asks, looking at me though I knew he already knew the answer.

"We eliminate them."

"You mean kill them." Steve huffs.

"Unless you're prepared to die instead." Bucky nodes at me, knowing I was right and knew how much I didn't want to me.

"Trust me, I don't enjoy the idea of killing them either but they're not going to go down willingly. I'll do it, you guys don't have to. It's not the first blood I'll have on my hands and if it means keeping those important to me safe I can do it."

The rest of the conversation dies as the chambers open fully and the two remaining super soldiers jump down, ice scattering along the floor where they land. Before anyone can say anything they rush forward and the fight begins.

It doesn't take long to realize the stories I'd heard about them weren't fiction, they fought with a ferocity I'd never seen before and striking with enough force it'd easily break bones on anyone else.

Bucky and I separate the woman while Steve and Tony try to get the upper hand against the man. The woman is lighter on her feet and uses the walls to her advantage, running a few steps up it to flip over our heads, landing silently behind us.

Her elbow catches me in the side of the ribs and I lose my feet as she does a leg sweep, sending both Bucky and I to the ground. I take a moment to get to my feet, checking how Steve and Tony are faring. They seem to be doing alright so I focus back on Bucky who'd already reengaged the woman.

"We need to work together."

"I'm all ears." He grunts, catching a foot to his chest that sends him back towards me.

"I know you don't wat to kill anymore anymore...

"You're right though, they're not going to give us another option."

"What happened to you Soldier? You've lost your touch." The woman purrs, walking towards us slowly.

"Not everyone enjoys killing people. A lot has changed in the twenty years you've been on ice." I say, stepping in front of Bucky.

"What do you mean twenty years?"

"Don't listen to them Petra. Kill them so we can avenger our brothers." The man calls as he hits the boys with each other.

"It's 2016. Hydra is no more. They left you here when they abandoned this base. Come with us willingly, answer for your crimes and live a life..."

"I won't be caged again. I'd rather die first." Petra growls.

"Then you leave us no choice because we can't let you leave here."

Without another word she rushes us again but this time we were ready. We get a good rhythm going and she's on the defense for the first time. Bucky hits her hard as I lean down and she flips over backwards, crumbling into a heap on the floor. I pounce as she starts to get up and push her down hard into the floor, my knee between her shoulder blades. Grabbing a hand full of her hair I lean forward and glare at her, both of us panting.

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