Chapter Thirty One

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The conference had gone very well, Everett was very professional and gave a detailed account of the most recent events and I knew I'd made the right choice in not doing it myself. I'd watched with silent tears sliding down my cheeks, Bucky's hand in mine while Tony kept his arm around my shoulders as the world was told the truth. I was so happy for Buck, he was officially cleared of all the horrible things Hydra had forced him to do; now we just had to get the words out of his head and he'd be completely free.

"I am so happy for you Buck!" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I feel him chuckle as he returns the hug, burying his face into my hair. He holds onto me tightly for a few heartbeats before he pulls away to smile at me, tears sparkling in his eyes.

"Thank you for coming to find me and believing in me."

"I'm always going to be in your corner Buck, that's what family is for."

"Kenna, you have an incoming message from Wakanda. Would you like me to display it here?" Friday asks.

"Yes thank you." I say, sitting back down on the couch normally.

As an image of T'Challa comes to life hovering above the coffee table I smile at him.

"Hello Kenna, thank you for taking my call. I know your team has much to celebrate right now."

"We do, thank you. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Always right to the point." He chuckles. "Very well. As mentioned in Vienna, I believe we may be of some help to remove the programming from Sergeant Barnes's mind if you're still interested. I know my behavior before was..."

"I understand why you did it. From what Kenna's told me he was a great man. I am sorry he got caught in the crossfire. I would appreciate any help you can give me your highness."

"Very good. We would need you to come here to Wakanda so we can run some scans of our own. We have... different equipment than you have."

Bucky looks at me and I nod.

"He should be able to be there by the end of the week. There are a few things we need to finish up here beforehand." I say.

"You will be joining him?" T'Challa asks.

I look to Tony and he smiles, nodding his head while and intertwining our fingers before kissing my knuckles lightly.

"If Buck wants me to come with him I'd be happy to accompany him."

"I think I'd like that if you're sure it won't interfere with your vacation." He says almost shyly, looking at me uncertainly.

"Getting you completely free is at the top of my list Buck, and if you want me there with you there's no place I'd rather be. Besides, Tony can get some training in with his new recruit while we get you straightened out."

"You sure you're okay with this Tony? I don't want to take your girl from you if..."

"Barnes, you couldn't take my girl even if you tried. She loves you and I love her. She wouldn't relax if she stayed here anyway so go get your head straight and bring my girl home happy."

"Then it is settled. We look forward to seeing you both at the end of the week. I'll send you the coordinates Kenna."

"I'll be on the lookout T'Challa. Thank you again, you don't know what this means to us."

"It is my pleasure, it is what friends do for one another is it not? I will not keep you any longer, I'm sure you have some celebrating to do. Good night everyone."

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