Chapter Thirty Three

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"So what do you think of the kid?" Tony asks as we pull out of the compound gate and head to dinner.

"I think he's got a good head on his shoulders, but he's so young. I graduated when I was his age and missed out on a lot of my childhood."

I couldn't help but chuckle as a look of disappointment settles over Tony's features. I intertwine our fingers and gently squeeze. I'd known he liked Peter but it hadn't occurred to me just how much until now.

"So you think we shouldn't let him join the team yet."

"No, I think he'll make a good addition to the team and I hope training with us will help him. It's not like he'd just stop being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman if we told him he couldn't be part of the team anyway. But I do want to make sure he still gets to be a kid. You know he was quitting his school extracurricular activities so he would be available if we needed him?"

"I did not. He knows we will call him if we need him. Happy hasn't mentioned anything. You're sure?"

"I am. When I picked him up earlier I overheard him telling his decathlon teacher that he couldn't go to Washington D.C. for Nationals in case you needed him here. Then one of his teammates let slip that he's already quit marching band and robotics lab."

"Well that's just plain silly. Why would he..."

"Because he wants to impress you and make you proud. I told the teacher he'd be able to go and then we had a talk on the way here. You're his idol Tony."

I watch the smile spread across his face and he looked very much like a proud father and it makes my heart swell. He'd had a very rocky relationship with his own father and I think part of why he's taken Peter under his wing is to be the father figure he'd wished his own could've been for him. It was sweet really and Peter wasn't the only kid Tony'd taken a liking to in recent years.

"Have you talked to Harley lately? He and Peter are about the same age aren't they?"

The smile on Tony's face grows and I couldn't help smiling as well.

"They are but no I don't talk to him much, you know that's not really my speed. I did upgrade his workshop not long before you joined us though."

That was how Tony said he loved someone; Peter and I had got a suit, Pepper had got an army of suits to protect her and Harley had got a workshop full of gadgets. With Pepper it had been more of a compulsion and out of fear he couldn't admit he had at the time but he still wanted to protect her.

"I'm sure he appreciated it. Do you think he might like to come visit during one of his school breaks? I bet he'd love seeing your workshop here and meeting the others."

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea actually. There's not much to do in Rose Hill, not much of anything really."

"Then sounds like you should invite him and his family to come see you."

"Who's going to keep up with him though? I have Happy keeping tabs on Peter, there's really no one else..."

"You will, I'll help you too." I laugh, "Besides maybe the boys will have time off school at the same time and they can hang out too. Might be good for the both of them."

"Okay, you talked me into it. But that's enough talk about work stuff, tonight is about you and I and how grateful I am to call you mine."

We'd just pulled up in front of the restaurant and he slips out of the car, tossing the keys to the valet and opens my door. He holds his hand out for me and I take it. He pulls me in close and kisses me lightly before we turn and walk into the restaurant.

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