Chapter Thirty Five

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The flight to Wakanda was quiet, all of us lost in our own trains of thought. Tony hadn't actually needed me for work things, which hadn't surprised me. We'd spent the hour on the roof of the compound talking while we cuddled on a makeshift bed he'd constructed while I finished up the last bit of paperwork I had. It'd been a very sweet and completely unexpected romantic gesture on his part.

While we were there he showed me a feature our new watches shared. Though they looked like normal analog watches they were so much more. They were all synced up to Friday and could produce video calls like our workstations and conference room but he'd included an all new part to it, a silent way to communicate with each other.

There are two extra buttons, one and twelve and one at six, and when pressed at the same time it brings up a list of the team on the face of the watch. Whatever name, or names, you selected would then get whatever message you tapped out on the face in the form of vibrations, like a long distance Morse code.

"We're about to enter Wakandan air space." Steve calls from the pilots chair.

"Umm... why does it look like we're going to fly into a tree line?" Bucky asks, leaning on the bulkhead above Steve's head.

I stand up and join the boys, resting my hands on Steve's shoulders to keep my balance. There did indeed seem to be a very dense tree line directly ahead of us. I lean forward and check our heading and shrug, Steve had us on the right course.

"I don't know but we're where we're supposed to be. Hopefully T'Challa didn't give us the wrong coordinates."

I squeeze his shoulders softly and he looks up at me for a minute. It was something I wouldn't do to anyone else on the team but then again I hadn't slept with any of the others either. I look back at him and mouth 'sorry' before removing my hands. I look out the glass at the tree line quickly rushing towards us and hold my breath; I wasn't in the mood to have a crash landing.

Bucky flinches as we run into the tree line but instead of crashing into it we break through some sort of barrier and are flying over a very large lake with a sparking city on the bank ahead of us. As we got closer to the tallest building near the town center I can make out a small group of people on a platform and breathe a sigh of relief before I realize that a group meant more than T'Challa was waiting to greet us.

"Take it that's where we're headed?" Bucky asks, pointing at the platform.


"And they're royalty right?"

"As far as I know."

"So what do we... I mean do we like bow or whatever? I've never met royalty before." Bucky asks nervously.

"You've fought royalty." Steve chuckles.

"That was different. And to be fair I was dodging royalty's attacks mostly."

I can't help but start laughing. I'd seen the body cams from the fighting in Romania and Bucky wasn't wrong. He played defense most of the time, and not just against T'Challa, and though it hadn't been funny at the time it was comical now.

"To be honest I don't know about the bowing. T'Chaka never seemed to expect it so we're going to assume bowing isn't a thing, just be nice. If it is a thing we can honestly claim ignorance."

The jet lands and we walk to the back as the ramp starts opening. T'Challa, flanked by two impressive bald women in red leather uniforms, walks towards us and meets us half way. He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

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