Chapter Eleven

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I spent the whole of the next two days in my office, even eating in there. Between tracking Rumlow's movements and continuing my talks with the important people around the world I barely had time to sleep. Since Sam had mentioned Rumlow had been in the news several times over the last months I was able to go back and track his movements. The past ones were of little surprise, having caught myself up on what he'd done but his current movements were...erratic. He was all over Africa but he hasn't attacked anything as far as I could tell since before we spotted him tracking Bucky and that worried me.

Sitting at the table in the conference room an alert pops on my tablet and I tap it to take a look. A live feed from a small airport fills the screen in of Rumlow in his black mask with a small group of armed mercenaries entering Lagos Nigeria. Pushing back my chair I walk past Nat, Wanda, Sam and Steve as they're coming up.

"Hey, where's the fire?" Sam calls after me.

"Don't go anywhere you guys, we may have a mission. Be right back." I call back, not stopping as I hurry upstairs to my office.

I hadn't spoken with the President of Nigeria in almost a week and I knew he wasn't a big fan of ours so this wasn't going to be easy. I had to get his agreement to operate on Nigerian soil and I wasn't completely sure he'd give it.

As I sit down at my desk a second alert pops in.

"Well that bodes well." I mutter, clicking on the alert and praying it's not Bucky.

The image that pops up isn't Bucky, but it is someone I recognize though it's not one of our targets. I'd spoken with the King of Wakanda several times lately and he'd mentioned an arms dealer that had been stealing materials from Wakanda for a very long time but always manages to escape somehow named Klaw. Apparently Klaw was in Lagos as well at an apartment building in the middle of Lagos.

"Friday can you get me subtitles for what he's saying?"

"Of course Kenna. One moment."

I watch the screen, listen to what he's saying into the phone, my heart sinking, this wasn't good at all. Muting it and casting it to one side of the desk and the feed of Rumlow to the other side I take a deep breath and call the King of Wakanda. He seemed more respective to what we were doing and if we can get him Klaw while we're at it I was going to be hopeful.

"Good evening your majesty." I say smiling at the holographic image of the King of Wakanda.

"Good morning Colonel James. What can I do for you today?" He asks, smiling as well.

"Actually I hope this is a mutual beneficial conversation. You have previously told me of a black market dealer your country has been after that the Avengers had a run in with a short while ago named Klaw. I've managed to track him down as well as a high valued Hydra target; they seem to be working together. I'm requesting your assistance in gaining permission to take them all down before they complete their mission."

"Where have you tracked them to?"

"Nigeria. The intel we have is solid, it seems Klaw has assisted the former Hydra agent turned hired terrorist in creating advanced weapons using your vibranium and are now working together on another project."

"And you think you can apprehend the terrorists without causing too much collateral damage? I understand that is what you specialized in before your retirement."

"Yes sir. I know you share my sentiment that getting these kinds of people off the streets is best for everyone involved."

"What is their target in Nigeria?"

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