Chapter Twenty Three

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"Director Ross, the vans are pulling in." Sharon says, peaking her head into the conference room.

"Very good. Let's go down and meet them. Kenna, if you'll excuse me."

"Of course. I'll need to speak with my team as well as King T'Challa."

"Not a problem. I assume there will be consciences for their interference."

"Oh there will be."

Sharon gives me a dirty look before turning to follow Everett and I roll my eyes, apparently our talk earlier hadn't solved all the issues Sharon has with me. I brace my elbows on the table in front of me and place my head in my hands. My lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me, and the stress of what we were doing wasn't helping in the least.

I feel Tony stand behind me and I tense. We were on better ground than when we'd first arrived but there was still a lot we needed to talk about before things could get back to any kind of normal we'd had before. He rests his hands on my shoulders and when I don't pull away he starts massaging my neck. He chuckles as a soft moan escapes my lips and I look up at him smirking.

"You're really tense." He observes, working his fingers along my shoulders.

"I blame you and the boys." I chuckle, taking hold of one of his hands and kiss his palm, "Come on, we have a show to put on."

I spin my chair around and go to push to my feet but Tony stops me, then squats down in front of me, resting his hands on my knees. I cup his face with my hands and smile at him. I lean in and kiss him lightly before pulling back to look at him again.

"I thought I was supposed to be the anxious one."

"I'm just worried I'm going to lose you once this is all over."

"I'm not going anywhere babe. We need to really talk and we will. After this mission is over and we're all back home safe we can talk this out fully."

He smiles as he stands and holds out his hand to me. I slip mine into his and stand up in front of him. His hand comes up and caresses my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into his touch. As much as it hurt knowing that his hands had been touching someone else recently I'd also missed his touch.

Even before we started dating it wasn't uncommon for us to be sitting close enough together that part of our bodies would be touching so the flight here had been the longest we'd gone in a long time without touching since I became an Avenger.

I smile at him and he kisses me briefly.

"I know it sounds silly...but I've missed the feel of your skin." He whispers, searching my eyes.

"I was just thinking the same thing actually." I chuckle.

"Kenna, Mr. Stark, the quinjet has landed at the Berlin Airport."

"Thank you Friday."

We walk out of the conference room, hand in hand, as Everett and Sharon escort the boys in. Glancing at the screens on the wall I see Bucky secure in a large containment unit being unloaded from the back of a large armored truck. He looked awful, they all did really, but Bucky looked defeated and it broke my heart.

Looking back at the boys as the group comes to a stop in front of me I can't miss the waves of anger rolling off of Steve as he glares at me. I glance at Sam and though he was clearly annoyed there wasn't hostility in his gaze.

"You're really going to arrest him?" Steve demands loudly, my gaze snapping back to his.

"Watch it Rogers, your stunt has caused enough trouble as it is." I growl.

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