Chapter Forty

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Bucky had done as I'd asked and given Steve and I time to be with him before we had to leave but I'd known that night that when Steve and I did leave, Bucky would insist on going back on ice. Shuri and T'Challa had both told him it would not be necessary, he was safe here in Wakanda but it hadn't been him he was worried about.

We'd traveled from the city to T'Challa's actual home in the mountains yesterday evening and it was even more beautiful than the city had been. But as much as I wanted to enjoy the views my heart was too sick with worry for Buck.

Steve had tried talking him out of it all last night but after Buck had gone to bed I'd sought Steve out. I didn't like the idea of him losing more time either but it wasn't up to us. It took some time, and a lot of arguing on Steve's part, but in the end he'd seen reason. It didn't matter what we wanted, Bucky was a big boy and could make his own choices, he needed to make his own choices.

"You're sure about this Buck?" Steve says, clasping Bucky on the shoulder as he sits on a bed in the infirmary.

Bucky perched on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor while a tech took his vitals. A moveable cyro chamber stood in front of him and just looking at it made me sick but I kept the smile on my face anyway. I had to be strong for Bucky's sake.

"I can't trust my own mind." Bucky laughs without humor looking up at his oldest friend, "Until Shuri has the program ready to get the words out of my head going under is the safest option for everyone."

"It will not be long." Shuri says, coming over to smack Bucky on the arm playfully, "Do you not have faith in me?"

I knew she was teasing, as did Bucky, but I saw the flash of pain that flashed across his face. He meets my gaze and I smile sadly at him, knowing full well it wasn't Shuri he didn't have faith in.

"I do, I just... I just can't take the chance of hurting anyone else." He says quietly, tears forming in his eyes.

"We know Buck." I say, pulling him into a tight hug.

He returns the hug, squeezing me even tighter than I was him.

"When you wake up I will have you a brand new arm to test as well." Shuri promises as Bucky releases me.

"Thank you Shuri, for everything." I say, turning to look at her.

"None of that now! You're going to make me cry." Shuri looks down at her tablet and hurries around the room.

"We're ready." A tech says from beside the chamber.

"Whenever you're ready James." Shuri calls, coming to stand beside the chamber, still not looking up from her tablet.

I feel Bucky sigh and start to pull away. I squeeze him one last time before releasing him. He takes my hands in his and gives me a lopsided smile before turning his attention to Steve.

"You take care of my little sister while I'm under."

"I'll do my best." Steve chuckles, glancing at me then back at Bucky, "She's a bit of a handful."

"Hey!" I protest but can't help laughing.

"Reminds me of you before the war. You were always getting yourself into some kind of trouble."

Bucky pushes himself to his feet, still holding on to my hands and looks down at me.

"I'm going to miss you." I admit, a couple tears escaping down my cheeks, "I just got you back."

"I know, I'm going to miss you too but you heard Shuri, it won't be for long. Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone."

"No promises." I chuckle and he smiles back.

He brushes my tears from my cheeks before leaning in and kissing my forehead. As he lets go of me Steve pulls him into a hug as well, making Bucky chuckle.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Steve smirks at Bucky as he takes a step back to stand with me.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky chuckles back and looks at me, "Keep an eye on him will ya?"

"You got it." I smile.

Bucky nodes and turns around, walking to the chamber. He pauses to look down at Shuri, the girl smiling up at him with a node. As he steps up into the chamber Steve reaches out and holds my hand. It was hard enough for me to watch Bucky step into that thing, not knowing when I'll get to see him again but I couldn't imagine what it felt like for Steve.

The techs strap Bucky into the chamber and he smiles at us one more time as the glass door slides up into place, sealing him inside. I node at him, wiping more tears away with my free hand. He leans his head back and closes his eyes.

"Ready?" Shuri asks, finally looking up at him.

He nodes and she pushes a button on her tablet. A moment later the chamber fill with a wave a smoke and the glass frosts over instantly. A monitor at the top of the chamber displays his vitals and I watch the screen for a couple heartbeats, looking for any signs of distress but find nothing.

"We'll take good care of him Kenna." Shuri says and I smile at her.

"I know you will. Let me know if anything changes."

"If we find anything in your scans we will be in touch."


She nodes at me and then starts hurrying around the room again. With Steve's hand still in mine I leave the lab. A set of floor to ceiling windows overlooks the forest below and we come to a stop there. Steve lets go of my hand and pulls me into a brief hug before looking down at me.

"You okay?" He asks, smiling sadly.

"I am. This isn't going to be forever."

We turn to look at the doorway when we hear footsteps to see T'Challa entering the room, hands clasped behind his back. He comes to stand besides us and I smile at him.

"Thank you for this." Steve sighs.

"You're friend and my father were both victims in this. If I can't help one of them find peace..."

T'Challa's voice fades away as he looks out over the forest.

"If Hydra finds out he's here they will come for him."

"Let them try."

"If you need anything, if anyone does come for him, please let us know." I sigh, holding out my hand.

T'Challa smiles at me and takes it, shaking it firmly. It was time for Steve and I to leave, I had an appointment with a certain terrorist in a few hours and I didn't want to miss that; Zemo had some explaining to do.

"Are you ready to depart?" T'Challa asks as if reading my thoughts.

"Yeah I think so." I smile at him, "Thank you again."

"It is my pleasure. Have a safe journey and know you both are always welcome here."

"Thank you your highness." Steve says.

"You are most welcome Captain Rogers. Kenna." T'Challa bows slightly before walking back the way he'd come.

"Come on Kenna. Let's go home." Steve says, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Let's go home." I agree.

The next time we would be here would hopefully be a happier occasion but I didn't like the fact that I didn't know when that would be. Shuri seemed sure of what she was doing and I had complete faith in her but I'd had a growing sense of dread the last two days as if there was a storm coming. I had a sinking feeling that something big was coming and weather we were ready or not it would change... everything.

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