Chapter Thirteen

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Tony had held it together through the service though he kept my hand in his the entire time but I didn't mind. We'd spent the night doing much the same, we'd fallen asleep facing each other holding hands and I was laying on his chest when I woke up. The only time we were apart was when we were getting dressed for the funeral.

I'd just left him in the common room with the others so I could go over the report from the bomb. I knew the others would keep him occupied while I did a read through then I could give them all an update along with Fury.

I feel more than hear someone stand in the doorway behind me and spin my chair around slowly to see a very annoyed Steve leaning against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest. After a few seconds when he doesn't say anything I raise an eyebrow at him as I set the report on the desk.

"Did you need something Steve?" I prompt.

"Why was Stark holding your hand at the funeral?" He growls.

"I don't really see how it's any of your business but because he can? What's it to you?"

"So you're together now? Pepper died barely a week ago, that's a fast turnaround even for Stark."

"Excuse me? It's literally my job to offer emotional support to the team and in case you failed to notice, Tony is in great need of that right now. I suppose I'm with Happy too since I was holding his hand as well? What's gotten into you?"

"I've seen how he looks at you, how they all look at you. I thought you were better than that Kenna."

"Better than what? Comforting my friend at a friend's funeral? Besides, what's it to you? Who I do or don't choose to share a bed with is literally none of your concern anymore. Did Thor share his ale with you again?"

"So you admit it!"

"Steve, just go before you make me say something I'm going to regret. I have work to do. Besides I'm sure Sharon is looking for you."

"Leave her out of this."

"Out of what? I don't even know what this is. Please just go, I need to go over the report from the bomb so I can give everyone an update."

"Why do you have that?"

"Because it's literally part of my job to go over reports last time I checked."

"Shouldn't someone with actual experience be going over it? Just cause you share Tony's bed doesn't qualify you to..."

"I'm not sharing his bed! I don't hop into bed with just anyone. I'm doing my job for heaven's sake."

"I saw you leaving his room this morning. And you did with me."

"You came to my room not the other way around. You weren't supposed to just be a one night stand, at least not on my side. Sure we'd drank more than we should've but I really liked you, clearly it wasn't mutual."

"No you didn't. You could've come talk to me if you'd really wanted to."

"I tried, or don't you remember dismissing me the next morning? Or virtually running out of the room as soon as I entered? You even passed my training off to Nat. Doesn't leave a girl wanting to chase after someone who clearly wants to avoid them does it? Besides you were dating Sharon when we slept together. I didn't tell her we'd slept together, though she had no problem trying to provoke me anyway, and you let her!"

"So you just move on with a man who's seeing someone else?"

"He and Pepper broke up weeks ago, before I started working here, so even if there is something going on between us it wouldn't be wrong. Do I care about him? Sure. I care about everyone on this team, it's literally my job but even if it weren't they're my friends and that's what friends do. They support each other when needed. They take the time to get to know each other before assuming things. Just go find Sharon, I don't have time for this and heaven forbid she think I'm trying to steal you from her because you're here without her."

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