Chapter Eighteen

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I'd given up trying to sleep an hour before my alarm was set to go off and decided there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. I hadn't slept very well anyway, spending most of the night watching Tony as he slept. He said my name a few times and that had made me smile but my mind kept circling back to the fact we hadn't been together outside of the facility. We hadn't even said the three little words yet but Steve...

Coffee was brewed and I was nursing my third cup as Everett walks in. He was already dressed in his suit and I couldn't help chuckling as he comes to a stop looking at me. I was still wearing my pajamas which consisted of one of Tony's tshirts and a pair of shorts I'd made out of sweatpants I'd singed.

"Do you roll out of bed like that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, "I don't think I've ever seen you in anything other than a suit."

"I like my suits." He says defensively, crossing to the coffee pot, "You look...comfortable. Do you always get up this early?"

"No, couldn't sleep and I am comfortable. I ditch the suits and skirts as often as possible. Would you like something to eat?"

"I don't want to be a bother."

"No bother, I haven't eaten yet and you're our guest, I'd be a poor host if I didn't offer."

"I'm not much of a breakfast eater honestly, the coffee is enough. Are you ready for this? The press is sure to make a fuss."

"Yeah, I am. Not my first time in front of the cameras, though this time is certainly a bigger deal than the others. Why did you agree to letting me take the top spot?"

"It's what the U.N. wanted. Besides, after watching you work with everyone like you had been I knew you'd do a far better job than I could. You have an interesting view on things Doctor James. You want the best for everyone, not just your team. I don't think you know how to be anything but honest with people either."

"And you don't think you could do a better job? You've been leading the J.C.T.C. longer than I've been over here, and Fury's been leading S.H.I.E.L.D. even longer."

"I don't, and Fury certainly couldn't. He has a tendency of telling people the bare minimum and though he's a good director he let Hydra take root and did nothing about it until he was forced to."

"You don't think very highly of Fury do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"You sort of did. He had the best of intentions with how he handled Hydra before it fell."

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You have to take action for it to matter and Fury waited too long to take action."

"And you think I can do better?"

"You already have. You were proactive with Sergeant Barnes and had your ducks in a row long before you found him. You took the initiative to gather support for your team. You won over King T'Chaka for heaven's sake and that's a feet in and of itself."

"Steve and Sam were looking for Bucky long before I showed up and it was Fury who suggested I start making ties."

"That may be so but you took the action and as for them looking for him, what would they have done had they managed to find him? He would've still been a fugitive wanted in multiple countries."

"Okay, I think that's enough stroking Kenna's ego for now." Tony says, entering the kitchen.

I turn and smile at him as he crosses the room and kisses me.

"Good morning baby. How long have you been awake?"

"G'morning dear. Awhile, couldn't sleep."

He studies my face as he looks down at me, his hands cupping my face. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him against me and he chuckles, dropping his hands to rub my legs and I see a spark of hunger that has nothing to do with food come to light in his eyes.

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