Chapter Twenty Four

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"Get me eyes on Barnes." Everett yells into a walkie-talkie.

"Friday get me a source on this outage." Tony says, coming to stand beside me.

I turn to look at Steve who staring at me with wide eyes. We were on the same page. I tap my ear and he nodes, tapping his back before turning to look at Sharon who looked just as spooked as Steve did.

"Sub-level five, east wing." She says and Steve and Sam rush out.

I turn back and watch Everett pacing around the room for a few heartbeats before I look at Tony. He reaches out and takes my hands in his.

"It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay."

"Zemo is here. It has to be him." I whisper, though the noise around us was loud enough to drown out everything else.

Everett skids to a stop beside us and looks at me like I was about to bite his head off. He wasn't completely wrong but my anger at him would have to wait.

"Make a note to get a backup generator. Is everything out?"

"Everything. All lower level doors automatically lock if we lose power, no one is going anywhere until it comes back on."

"Seriously?" I scoff, "Do you not realize you have a super soldier downstairs who's containment unit is now without power. How many agents do you have between him and the lobby?"

"Two dozen give or take. Why? Do you really think he's going to break out?"

"Yes, but I don't think it's going to be his idea."

"Zemo? You think Zemo is here? Why?" Everett hisses.

"Um, is this normal?" I gesture around the room, "When was the last time the whole of Berlin lost power at the same time?"

"All of Berlin?"

"According to Friday." Tony confirms.

"Shit! Okay, what do we do?"

I sigh heavily and look at Tony, wringing my hands. I was not going to like my next sentence, I was only glad Steve wasn't here to hear me say it too.

"Treat it like a prisoner trying to escape. By the time the guys get down to him he will likely be activated. He won't go down easily. Tony please tell me you have your suit."

"It's on the helicopter." He shakes his head, "But I have my watch."

"What's a watch going to do?" Everett says, giving Tony an exasperated look and I chuckle.

"Steve, where are you guys?" I ask, pressing my coms in my ear.

"About to reach Sub-Level Five. I'll update in a minute."

"Be careful. It doesn't take long to activate him. He won't know who you are anymore."

"Not my first dance with him Doc. Have a little faith."

I can't help chuckling but as I turn back to look at Everett I lose the smile.

"I know what you're going to say." He says, shaking his head.

"I don't care who's fault this is. I want Sergeant Barnes and Doctor Broussard back in custody. After that we can play the blame game. Have whatever armed agents you have head for the lobby, if he's trying to escape that will be where he goes."

Everett relays my orders through the walkie-talkie and hurries around the room.

"Guys, everyone's down down here. No sign of Bucky. Wait I hear someone." Sam says over the coms.

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