Chapter Fifteen

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I gently shake Bucky as we enter New York City air space and Steve sits beside him and points out landmarks. I lean back against Tony and he wraps his arms around me as I watch them, smiling at their playful banter.

"You did it." Tony whispers in my ear and kisses my head.

"We did it. Thank you for talking me out of going by myself, this wasn't so bad."

I turn my head to look at him and he leans in, kissing me lightly.

"We're about to land at the compound." Nat calls.

"I'm sure everyone is ready to get up and stretch some but I need at least the senior team members to meet me in the conference room to have a meeting in a few minutes. Everyone is welcome to the meeting. We have some people coming over to meet Buck and go over what we're going to be doing to keep him safe while I work on getting what Hydra did to him reversed.

Bucky's location isn't to be shared with anyone outside of this jet and the handful of directors we're meeting with. So as much as I wish it could be different, Bucky you're going to have to stay on the residential side of the compound during the day; we don't want Hydra agents or anyone else who might be looking for you still to know you've been recovered

"That makes sense." Bucky says, "They want to figure out if I'm still a threat don't they."

"Yes. Tony and I are going to go to my office and get a box of files we recovered from Hydra, including your file as well as my own for them to look over. Steve can show you around while we wait for them to show up.

"I need to make a call real quick actually but after that I'll show him around."

"Oh, okay no problem."

"I can show him around until Steve's done." Nat volunteers as the jet lands and she spins around to look at us.

"Thanks Nat. I'll have Friday call everyone when it's time."

Everyone exits the jet and scatter. Tony and I hold hands as we head for my office. He closes the door behind us as I retrieve the box.

"I am so proud of you Kenna." He smiles, taking the box from me and sitting it in the chair before wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm proud of all of us. After the meeting do you think I can put you and Friday to work making some things for me?"

"Of course. Just tell me what you need and we will get busy."

"Thank you Tony." I lean in and kiss him.

"Kenna, Directors Fury and Ross have arrived." Friday says and Tony growls.

"We can continue this later." I promise with a chuckle. "Tell them we'll meet them in the conference room in a few minutes and call the team there as well please."

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