Part Four chapter Five no b*******

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Three days after the extraordination of the hero faction

At this point in time (Y,N) and everyone else who had a hand in the destruction of the hero faction. Was currently meeting with the Youkai leader yasaka.

It took her about 3 days to heal after the injury she sustained from her kidnapping, but now she was back on her feet and ready to take the rules leader once again.

Yasaka: Greetings as you probably already know my name is yasaka and I am the leaders of the Youkai. I'm very thankful for your groups involvement in my rescue.

She gave a polite bow signifying her gratitude towards the group for rescuing her.

The group we're all relatively happy one being more happy than the others.

Azazel: there's no need for such gratitude lady Yasaka.

Yasaka raised her head from her bow to address the group.

Yasaka: I thought it was the right way to show off my gratitude towards the group that rescuing me as well as taking care of my daughter. Now for the more important reasons. *Points at (Y,N)* would you happen to be this famous black dragon I've been hearing so much about.

(Y,N): yes why?

Yasaka: you have intrigued me such a powerful Dragon with such command over the element is unheard of. But then again when I look at your power and that aura surrounding you I can tell you are not a normal being.

As she was saying this her voice became mixed with lust as well as curiosity. (Y,N) mates quickly pick up on the tone and narrow to their eyes at her dangerously.

While (Y,N) didn't show any reaction at all.

(Y,N): they don't call me the black dragon God of destruction for nothing.

Yasaka: yes I would have to agree with you on that the destruction you caused to our area was quite immense. It has taken over 20 of my elite guards to even repair the damage that was caused by your attack. But don't you think that's such a powerful attack was unneeded for such a situation.

(Y,N): well to be honest with you I was getting annoyed and anything that annoys me. I simply make it not exist anymore.

The group behind them could only sweat drop at his attitude. Yasaka had a blank expression before she started giggling into her hand.

Yasaka: oh my that's quite funny you're exactly like the rumors say you are. But if I may ask what do you plan on doing now?

(Y,N): well I plan on staying here for the next two months prior to our agreement with azazel. The supernatural world will have to leave me alone for the next two months. And I can assure you that no more problems will happen to your city as long as I'm here. No being in this world exception of the white bastard would even dare to cross my path.

Yasaka: that's very reassuring and I hope our city can offer a great experience for the great black dragon.

(Y,N): no need after all once I'm done with this meeting I'm going to take my mates and we're going to go on what the humans call a date.

Yasaka: that sounds like a lovely time now for you. *She looks over at the others* what do you plan on doing now.

Azazel: well we had planning on helping out your faction with its problems but... (Y,N) got to it first so there's nothing else for us to do anymore.

Issei: I'm thinking about going around the city looking for things to do.

As he said that he gave off a perverted look which earned him a smack on the back of the head by koneko.

Black dragon God of destructionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora