Chapter six tor- I mean training

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If any of you can get what that means I'm proud of you.


It is early in the morning the three of us dawn our school uniforms and was ready to leave.

Then we hear a knock on our door I decided to walk over to see who it was. going over and I open the door. I then see the white haired girl from the ORC standing there.

I believe his name was Koneko Tōjo and judging by her send I could tell she was a hybrid.

She smells like a devil and a cat but that's not important what I want to know is why she's here at my house.

I looked over to see both Tiamat and ophis curious looks on there faces wondering who it is.

I stepped out of the way so that they could see who it was and I saw both of their eyes narrow at her.

Back to my question.

(Y,N): why are you here so early in the morning?

I was honestly curious why was she here in the first place.

Koneko: I was here to ask you if you could train us.

Wait train oh yeah that's right The Arrogant chicken gave them 10 days to train themselves before the rating game.

(Y,N): why me can't you just have your king train you?

I'm honestly curious why was she asking me I know I'm powerful but still I'm not even a part of their pregame so why?

Koneko: well your strong and smart so I thought that you could help us get stronger.

Okay so she wanted me to train them because I'm strong and smart that's the reason why she came here. I mean normally I would turn her down but there's something unique about her.

And it would be very unfair for me if I just said "no go away" after she came in so early in the morning just to ask.

Also maybe I can get more information or maybe even a favor for them if I help them out.

(Y,N): are you sure you want me to train you I mean I'm fine with it but it will be absolute hell for you.

Just wanted to give her a little warning her eyes widen slightly before going back to the normal emotional is face. only thing she did was just nod her head.

Even without looking back I could practically feel the smirk on Tiamat face I know she was going to enjoy this especially whooping the Red Dragon Emperor.

I'd give a smirk and return know that this would be a fun experience for me.

I first wanted to make sure this was okay with my mates first.

(Y,N): you two okay with this?

Tiamat just gave an evil smirk and nodded her head and ophis just nod.

I guess that's it looks like these Devil's about to go through 10 days of hell.

3 hours later

Once getting permission from rias me Tiamat and ophis all the way heading for the groomery estate we had to go up a hill and everyone was carrying backpacks filled with gear.

Me, Tiamat, ophis, rias, akeno and Asia. were already up the hill.

Now we had to wait for the other three Kiba koneko and the last and definitely the least important Issei.

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