Part four Chapter Six this damn fox

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2 days after the date

(Y,N) currently woke up inside of his hotel with his mates all laying on top of him.

Quickly looking for a way to escape he teleported out from underneath all of them and walk toward the bathroom to get a shower.

He already had a pretty good idea of the plan he had for today, he was going to go too yasaka and ask if she can train him to use senjutsu.

After about 45 minutes of a straight shower and getting dressed he came out of the bathroom and was greeted by the side of tiamat.

She looked at him curiously before she narrowed her eyes at him.

Tiamat: don't you think it's a little early to be going anywhere?

(Y,N): yeah well you know me I like do not like wasting time not to mention the more training I can get involved in the better.

Tiamat: so you really do plan on learning senjutsu?

(Y,N): yes from what you guys told me 2 days ago it sounded very powerful and can give me a clear edge against a white Fatalis.

Tiamat knew that no matter what she said he wasn't going to change his mind he was stubborn like that, and she's come to accept it. But it's not like she was against the fact of him learning senjutsu it's who's he learning it from she has a problem with it.

Yasaka. She knew damn well but the fox was into (Y,N) and wouldn't even hesitate to take him. During the meeting where she was giving their "things", tiamat couldn't keep her eyes off the fox cuz she was staring at HER (Y,N) with those eyes of her's filled with lust. That made tiamat want to vaporize the Fox on the spot.

Tiamat: okay I know that will be able to change your mind but just please be careful when you're around the fox.

(Y,N): Tiamat are you afraid that you're trying to do something?

Tiamat: look all I'm saying is that foxes are cutting creatures and she clearly has an interest in you so just watch your back when you're around her.

(Y,N): don't worry I will.

You walked over to her and kissed her on the lips and he could feel tiamat melt into it. She was even bold enough to grab the back of his head and pull it inwards deepening the kiss.

After about 5 minutes of making out two of them separated tiamat face was covered in a blush and she was breathing in heavily. (Y,N) was in the same predaking but just not as bad.

Tiamat: you best get going before I do something to you~.

(Y,N) didn't need anything else and just teleported away from the horny dragon.

Tiamat just realizing what she just said couldn't help but kick herself on the leg.

Tiamat: damn it that was a perfect opportunity.

Time skip brought to you by my cute ass dog.

Time skip brought to you by my cute ass dog

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