How could you

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Eric's pov:
"I'm sorry." The doctor said, his words full of sympathy.

The morning after we arrived back to dauntless I took her straight to the hospital in Erudite, even though I hate it there, to get the baby checked out and make sure neither Luna or our future child were harmed.

Me and Luna looked at each other in worry.

"What about?" Luna asked, her voice trembling.

"You lost the baby."


I woke up drenched in sweat and looked to my side to see that it was only 3am. I tried standing up and had to steady myself with the wall, I don't even know what I would do with myself if that nightmare ever became reality.

Walking over to my couch, I sat down and placed my head in my hands.

I flinched slightly when I felt Luna place a hand on my shoulder, I hadn't heard her come in.

One of her delicate hands reached over to my face as she gently wiped a single tear that I hadn't realised had fallen off my face. I abruptly turned my face away, I don't want to cry tears of sadness in front of her. That makes me look pathetic, she probably thinks I am pathetic after that. Hell, I don't even have a valid reason to be sad right now. We are all safe. Angry at my weakness, I stood up and barged into the bathroom.

After splashing my face with cold water I went into the bedroom to see Luna sitting neatly at the edge of the bed.

"Eric." She said softly, standing up to come over to me.

I simply huffed in response, I still need to look tough.

"What's wrong?" She asked with such a cute and caring smile on her face, how can she be so calm after everything that happened yesterday.

"Go to bed Luna." I growled lowly.

With a frown , she lifted up a hand to touch my face.
Before she could reach me I grabbed her wrist mid air.

"I said. Go. To. Bed." With each word I squeezed on her wrist harder.

"Eric! You're hurting me!" She squealed in surprise with shock, hurt and betrayal plastered onto her face.

I couldn't look weak in front of her, I don't want her to think I'm a coward. I cant believe how vulnerable and helpless I was yesterday.
I was so angry with myself.

Luna's pov:
I cant believe he just hurt me, physically. And on purpose. The thought brought tears to my eyes and I looked down, making sure he couldn't see them.

I heard him March away before slamming the door behind him, doing back into the bathroom.

Looking down, I noticed small bruises beginning to form around my wrists. Why did he do this?

Eric's pov————
I went back into the bathroom to splash my face once again.

Exiting the bathroom, I saw that Luna was already in bed, facing away from me.

I couldn't bring myself to be near her right now. She made me weak. And I wasn't weak.

I stormed into the main room and laid down on the couch, tossing and turning until I finally fell asleep.

Time skip to morning

I woke up feeling sore and tired.
Sitting up, I realised that my apartment seemed to quiet. Usually I could hear Luna moving around or the occasional creak of the bed. Nothing.

I got up and walked into the bedroom to see she wasn't there. Instead lay a note.

I'm staying over at a friends place for a few days. You need to get back to your normal self. I won't raise my child around someone who thinks it's ok to hurt the ones they love.
- Luna

I sat there, slowly fitting everything together and realising what I did. I hurt her. The girl I swore to protect from every possible danger was in physical pain... because of me.

I should have just told her what was wrong, she was trying to care for me but instead I grabbed her and harmed her. She's right, nobody should raise a child around someone like me. I truly am a monster.

I felt enraged at myself, at what I had done.
In one quick motion, I had knocked the lamp off of the bedside table and watched as it shattered into a million pieces. Probably not nearly as many pieces as Luna's heart right now.

"Get yourself together Eric." I growled to myself.

She is the woman of my dreams, the woman I love with all my heart, carrying my child.

I have to get her back, I have to make it up to her and I have to do better.

The question is how.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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