Over protective

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--- 1 month later

Luna's pov:
For the last month every day has been the same:
Eric waking up before me, making me breakfast and giving it to me in bed before getting ready for his work. Then he will order me to stay in bed due to my pregnancy and not allow me to get out unless I really needed to.
Although it is absolutely adorable that he is this concerned about mine and the child's well-being, it's getting rather frustrating.

"Eric" I said sternly as he helped me over to the sofa even though I was completely capable of doing so by myself.
"Yes love?" He replied, making my heart melt.
"Eric I want to go out and do something, I'm so bored. I appreciate how much you are willing to help me but I'm still capable of doing things on my own." I stated.
"But you go out all the time?" He questioned with confusion.
"No, I mean go out and do something fun and excited." I said with frustration, feeling a mood swing coming on.
"Like what?" He replied.
"Like going on patrol." I answered shyly, knowing he would not like this.
"No way! I am not having the woman of my future child go out on such a dangerous mission like that! No!" He growled with anger.

I looked down so that Eric didn't see the silent tears rolling down my face. These mood swings are driving me crazy. Every time he got cross at me it felt like I had been stabbed and I have no idea why it upset me so much.

"Luna?" He questioned carefully.
He attempted to lift up my chin but I turned away.
I felt him sit next to me and place one hand on my waist and the other on my face.
"Babe? Are you ok?" He questioned again, this time successfully tilting my head to look at him.
After seeing my tear stained face he quickly pulled me into his lap, making sure to be cautious of my stomach.
He gently pulled my close and wrapped his arms around me.
I buried my face into his neck.
"It's ok, let it all out." He coed as I cried.

After a few minutes I lifted my head up and kissed him soundly, muttering multiple "I love you's" and thanking him for putting up with my mood swings.

"Come on." He said and dragged me out of the apartment.

He ended up allowing me to go on a patrol of the city with him, never letting me out of his sight and holding me very protectively whenever he could.
I was still happy that I could go out so I didn't mind his over protectiveness.
The moment we came back I felt a sudden wave of tiredness and leant onto Eric.
He picked me up carefully and took me into the bedroom, putting me into my pjs and lying down with my on the bed. Wrapping himself securely around my petite figure

AN: I am so sorry for not updating in a while.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Feel free to comment, I love reading them 😊

Stay tuned :)

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