The date

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Luna's pov:
After I had finished eating I decided to head to the shops to buy an outfit for tonight.
I had been given a card with unlimited points on to spend as I was the guest.
Not wanting to go over board, I ended up choosing a simple black dress that ended mid thigh and some heels that matched.
I couldn't go back to Eric's apartment to get ready so I went to Four's.
"Luna, what are you doing here?" Four asked as he answers the door.
"I have a date with Eric and need to get ready here." I said strolling inside.
"Ok, come on in." Four said sarcastically, shutting the door behind him.

Four's pov:
I couldn't help but feel a small sting of jealousy at the thought that Eric and Luna were going on a date.
I decided to just brush the thought away and let Luna get ready.
Once she appeared from the bathroom my breath was taken away.
She had only applied simple makeup but she looked stunning.
"Thanks for letting me use your apartment Four." Luna said, snapping me out of my day dream.
"No problem, have fun." I replied as she went out of the door.

Eric's pov:
I had arranged to meet Luna at the bar at 8 tonight and so I began walking down at half past 7.
I decided to wear some black baggy jeans and a muscle shirt, with my spare leather jacket on top.
I was stood outside the bar in the pit waiting.
When it got to 8 I started to get worried if she was gonna show up.
"Hey." I heard a female voice say behind me and turned to see the most stunning woman I had even seen.
"Your gonna catch flies." Luna said with a chuckle as she noticed me staring at her with my jaw hanging open.
I quickly shut my mouth and opened the door for her.
Just as she stepped past me I reached out and slapped her ass.
I seriously couldn't help it.
She turned and glared at me before breaking into a smile.
I led her to one of the corner booths and ordered some drinks for us.
"You look so hot." Luna said absentmindedly as I walked back over with the drinks in my hands.
"Well duh." I said with a laugh and she laughed along with me.
"And you, look as stunning as always." I said, handing her the glass.
She blushed and looked at the table.
We spent the next few hours engrossed in a conversation with some flirting added in here and there.
It wasn't long before I realised Luna could barely form English sentences and was slurring most of her words.
"Right, lets get back to the apartment. You little miss have had way to much to drink." I said, pointing a finger at Luna from across the booth.
She groaned but quickly got up anyway.
"Ugh these heels." She said all of a sudden as she stumbled back to the apartment.
I smirked and quickly grabbed her around the waist causing a small squeal to escape her lips.
I carried her the rest of the way the rest of the way to my apartment with her head leaning against my chest.

Luna's pov:
Whether it was the alcohol or not, an idea suddenly formed in my head.
I picked my head up from Eric's chest as he was carrying me and started planting soft kisses around the tattoos on his neck.
I felt his breath quicken as I continued my assault on his neck.
"You better stop that or I will not be able to control myself." I heard Eric say.
I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was asleep in his arms.

AN: Finally updated!
So sorry for the wait.
As usual, comment, rate and review 😊

Hope you enjoy
Updating soon.

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