Chapter 6

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"Aang couldn't make it but Kyoshi volunteered to come instead, she said she needs to talk to you. Sokka and I are going to go, but it was really nice to meet you, Korra." Katara said, standing up and walking over to hug her.

"Nice to meet you, too," Korra told her. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Well are my kids? Kya, Bumi, and Tenzin?" Katara asked.

"They're fine. Bumi is a commander in the army, Tenzin is head of the Acolytes, and Kya is a doctor," Korra said.

"Uhh...this might be too much to ask...but how are Toph's kids?" Sokka asked nervously.

"Who?" Korra asked.

"Su and Lin...I was more of a dad for them then their real dads ever were so-"

"Su has six kids. One of them, Kuvira, is adopted. The others are Bataar Junior, Huan, Opal, and the twins, Wing and Wei. Lin is Chief of Police and is married to Kya. Do you mind me asking what happened to you guys?" Korra was really confused right now. Weren't they just characters from a kids show? If so, then why are real people their kids?

"Vaatu attempted to destroy the world," Katara began. "But Aang took everyone's memories and bending before hiding them in safe houses for protection, it was all Sokka's plan. Only we had our bending and Aang gave Sokka waterbending. We all died stopping Vaatu, all that was left were the civilians. They came out from where we hid them and continued their lives as if nothing happened, and we were forgotten. We hoped our kids would forget about us because they were all younger than eighteen at the time."

"We thought we were forgotten, but hey, at least some of our stories were told," Sokka shrugged. He got up and hugged Korra, "Thank you, really. Just...make sure my girls are safe for me, alright? Something big is happening, and it isn't good either."

They both walked off and left Korra alone, or so she thought. An extremely tall woman with a long black braid and light brown skin with forest green eyes came out of somewhere in the temple, in dark green samurai pants and a black tank top. She walked over to Korra.

"Hey," she said. She earthbent a chair up and sat down with her knees apart and arms crossed. She leaned forward and made intense eye contact with Korra. "What? You're acting like you've never seen a seven foot tall human before."

"No, I really haven't," Korra laughed nervously. "I've never seen you in real life before either, you' do I say this respectfully?"

"Tall? Muscular? Not wearing makeup? Not using my appearance to terrify people?" Kyoshi guessed.

"I mean I was going to say hot, but now that I think about it those work too," Korra said, shrugging her shoulders. She definitely had a thing for dark hair and green eyes.

"Thanks, you aren't so bad yourself. So I'm guessing Katara told you I volunteered to come talk to you?" Kyoshi asked. She leaned forward onto her elbows.

"Yeah. Still trying to figure out why though," Korra pouted and put her head in her hands. "I mean you're Kyoshi, the greatest Avatar ever, and I....I feel like I can't do anything right, I feel so weak. I'm just Korra, and everyone says that isn't a bad thing but I feel like it is. I try to hold it together for everyone else but I know I'm breaking....And I don't want to know what happens when I finally break."

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