Chapter 10

801 29 62

TW: Mentions abuse

Kaia stood above Korra's hospital bed. Korra's gown was taken off so that Kaia could heal her broken ribs but she still had on a white hospital bra that Kya changed her into. She finally finished, her ribs were fixed and now all that remained was a big bruise.

"There's a big emotional knot in her chest."

"Can you blame her?" Jinora asked. "The person who's been with her through everything bad in her life and her daughter is missing. I've known her since I was born, and for as long as I can remember Asami has always been there for her. Just imagine losing the person you love the most and thinking its all your fault...."

Kaia noticed a far off look in Jinora's eyes but didn't say anything about it. They both stood there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

Suddenly there was a random long beep from Korra's monitor.

"Did Korra just....die....?" Jinora was very confused for once in her life.

"No, her energy is still flowing. Monitor's probably fucked up or glitching."

Korra jolted upwards. Her pupils were dilated and she gripped the sheets so hard her knuckles became white. "Woah."

"You broke two ribs you fucking dumb ass. Ever try that shit again and I'll kill you," Kaia glared.

"I mean~" Korra wiggled her eyebrows with a suggestive smirk.

"Okay so let me get you two straight. Well not literally but-" Jinora took a deep breath. "So you are both dumb jock gays, and you both constantly blame yourself for literally everything and think anything bad that happens is your fault. The older one is depressed and suicidal while the younger one is on the verge of joining but you both just happen to be the two happiest idiots to ever exist when together, but will not hesitate to fuck each other up in a sibling fight."

"Well when you put it like that I mean, yeah," Kaia said.

"Yep, pretty much, kinda spot on," Korra said at the same time.

"Aunt Korra!" Korra was surprised by a tiny version of Bolin opening the hospital door and running to her bed, jumping into her lap. "Look! I losed my first toof!"

San opened his mouth wide and sure enough one of his two front teeth were missing.

"Nice, little man!" Korra laughed. "Did the Tooth Fairy come yet?"

"Yeah....But the Tooth Fairy accidentally game him a 100 dollar bill instead of a 5," Bolin walked in scratching the back of his neck.

"The Tooth Fairy is a himbo," Jinora rolled her eyes.

"Daddy, what's a himbo?"

"That, my son, is a question I do not know the answer to. Korra, what's a himbo?"

"Who that?" San asked, pointing to Kaia. "Little Korra?"

"No, that is your Aunt Kaia," Bolin told him.

"But I already got a Aunt Kya," San raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"No, no, that's Aunt Lin's wife, Kya Beifong. This is Kaia, the one with....A little help here?" Bolin looked to Kaia for assistance.

"Oh uhhh-" Kaia thought for a moment. "I'm the gay one- wait no she's gay too, fuck. Kuvira, what are your opinions on this?"

"I just call you KJ because you and Korra are the same person just different ages," Kuvira shrugged.

"When did Kuvira get here?" Jinora asked.

"I'm an extremely well-trained assassin and a bodyguard, AJ," Kuvira said. "I have to be able to show up in places without someone knowing I'm even here. For example, last night I snuck into the apartment and took Lin's last protein shake. Don't tell her that or she'll kill me."

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