Chapter 19

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Few Hours Later (Trigger warning: transphobia and mentions of suicide)

Kaia woke up. She was chained against a wall with her arms spread apart and only wearing her chest wraps.

Suddenly lights turned on and Unalaq appeared in front of her, leaning over a table covered in sharp tools.

"So I'm guessing you're Unalaq?" Kaia asked. "Old, crusty, musty, ugly, greasy hair.....yeah you fit the description."

He completely ignored her, "You know why you are here. You discovered Asami's firebending skills and you found out about the mind control chip, hence why you are in front of a laptop. When we implanted the chips in Eska, Desna, and Asami, they all attached perfectly. But in order for it to completely work we need someone to get past the security Future Industries has created, and you are the only person with the technological expertise required."

"Let me get this straight. You want me to make it so that you can control my cousins and sister-in-law forever? And expecting me to just do as you say? I knew you were crazy but....damn, you're also fucking stupid."

"I would do it if I were you...." he said.

"Why? What do you have against me?" She replied.

"Listen, Kaia..." He slowly walked around the table until he was behind her. "I found your secrets. Things that could put you away for a long time."

She rolled her eyes. "I could say the same for you."

"You stole money from your parents' bank account to help pay for Kesi's top surgery because she-"

"He," Kaia quickly corrected. "He is a boy. Not she. And his name is Kallik. Don't fucking dead-name or misgender him 'cause you're too much of a social reject to give other people respect."

" took money from your parents' bank account to pay for her top surgery and vocal therapy."

"His," she corrected again, "and I don't care who you tell because I was helping my best friend. He couldn't afford the only thing that would help him feel comfortable in his own body, and I got tired of seeing him in pain so I helped. Now that we've discovered that while being homophobic, sexist, a pedophile, and a rapist that you are also transphobic, is there anything else you wanna say? Or will you finally do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up and go do a backflip off of Future Industries tower?"

Unalaq held a hand to his chest as if he'd been shot. "Ow, you kinda hurt me on that last part there....but not as bad as you'll hurt Jinora when she finds out you put her ex in jail."

Kaia seemed to falter for a moment. "...Tell her. Tell everyone. I don't care what you do to me, I'll never help you. You already hurt Korra enough; you raped her when she was a child, you beat her, starved her....I won't let you take Asami away from her."

"I guess we'll do this the hard way then..." he sighed. "You're fourteen, old enough to have been taught warrior customs in the tribe. I'm pretty sure you know that we are taught how to wield a spear, and how to go deep enough to hurt but not to kill..."

He grabbed one of the largest knives.

One Day Later

Ikki tapped her foot nervously and opened the Discord server. She hadn't heard from Asami or Kaia in a while, and Kuvira currently wasn't answering her phone. When she did try to call Asami, it went straight to voicemail, and when she tried to call Kaia it just rang out.

Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone
Ikki: @everyone

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