Chapter 12

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She put the kickstand to her bike down before sitting at the edge of the mountain, dangling her feet off the edge. This was a 100 foot drop into the rocky valley below, certain death. Her phone went off.

Korra: are you safe

Jinora: yea. ill let you know if i need help

She set her phone down and watched as the sun began to set when her message tone went off a few minutes later.

Kaia: look behind you

She raised an eyebrow in confusion before turning around. Kaia walked over to her and sat a few feet away from her, keeping her distance.

"How did you find me?"

"This is going to sound extremely creepy and weird, but your scent. Ever since I became a waterbender everyone has a scent along with their aura. I'm just glad you all smell good."

"What do I smell like?" Jinora asked curiously.

"Blossoms and rain, like cherry blossom trees after it rains outside. Sweet but natural."

"What do you smell like?"

Kaia raised an eyebrow and pulled up her sweatshirt and shirt, sniffing her armpit. "Sweat. I ran here."

They sat in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry I just lashed out at you. I've just been keeping everything in for the past few months since a bad break up and my emotions just went haywire."

"We need to talk about what happened," Kaia said. "Or, well, what didn't happen I suppose."

"I feel like it'll make things awkward. Can we forget about?"

"I-I guess......." Kaia really didn't want to forget but she knew she must have sounded sad and disappointed, so she cracked a joke. "As long as you don't drink any of my Caprisun we will be perfectly fine."

Jinora rolled her eyes. "I promise not to ever drink any of your Caprisun."

Kaia's eyes brightened and she got a goofy smile on her face. "Okay then! Best friends again?"

"Best friends again," Jinora chuckled.

They laughed and talked for a good hour, neither of them realizing that they moved and were sitting directly together with their hands clasped together.

When they saw they both were silent, until Jinora cleared her throat and said, "We should go back home. Its nine o'clock."

"Okay...." Kaia blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Just sit on the seat and wrap your arms around my waist, I can ride standing," Jinora told her, walking to her bike and kicking the kickstand back up. She held it straight while Kaia sat down in the seat, before jumping on and riding down the mountain.

When they hit a particularly large bump, Kaia's hands jolted up along with the rest of her body.

"Are you feeling me up?" Jinora teased.

"N-No! Well, yeah, b-b-but the bump made me do it!" Kaia defended, moving her hands back down to her waist. She subtly felt Jinora's abs through the shirt, they weren't a six pack like her own but they were still firm and toned. (Cover picture.)

Needless to say, she definitely enjoyed the rest of the ride.


"So this is the point in our friendship? We just...cuddle?" Kaia asked. Jinora spooned her from behind, an arm draped over her waist.

"Yeah. You're just so warm," Jinora pulled her right into her.

"I'm from the water tribe. Our bodies have been scientifically proven to hold and provide the most body heat in the world out of every nation, because we're born in the North and South Pole, the coldest areas in the whole world all year round."

"Can you tell me more about your life back home?"

"Sure. Well, I have a best friend back home, his name is Kallik. Dude can run a mile in 4 minutes, which is funny because his name means lightning. He's been my friend since preschool, the only one who didn't stick with me for fame. That happens a lot, as the Chief's daughter if anything happens to my Dad then I take over. They all just want to increase their social status and don't care about me." 

"At least you were smart enough to recognize that, you avoided getting hurt," Jinora pointed out.

"I know. I'm glad I'm not vulnerable or anything, that's honestly saved me a lot of times. Like five years ago right before my ninth birthday a guy named Zaheer showed up to my school and said he was a friend of my parents, kept insisting and insisting that I go with him. I knew not to trust him, I've never trusted anyone until they've given me a reason too. Imagine how I felt when I hacked deep into a suspicious system and found out that he helped kill a woman that looked just like me? Who I later found out was my sister. Turns out Zaheer was going to use me as bait, he would kill me if Korra didn't kill Asami because that was her mission from the Red Lotus at the time. So yeah, that was fun."

"There has never been a dull moment in your life has there?"

"I could say the same for you. You were diagnosed with manic depression–aka bipolar–at the age of ten when Korra died and were prescribed with the antidepressant Citalopram, which children under the age of twelve aren't supposed to take but it was that bad for you so there wasn't another choice. When Korra came back you stopped taking your meds, but you were diagnosed with separation anxiety towards her. It's gotten way better after therapy and calling her often to hear her voice, but you always visit at least once a week for assurance that she's okay and still here, by still here I mean still alive and not going to leave you again. Personally I could see you breaking down when she was in the hospital but you were trying to hide it. Why do you try to hide it Nora? By the way, Korra's taking us to get a refill on your meds tomorrow. I realized I should tell you, she thought you should be taking them with everything going on."

"How? I...I never told you-"

"I can hack into anything that's ever been exposed to technology and find out everything about everyone. All I need is a name and I can know someone's life like my own."

"....So you know all this stuff about me but I barely know that kind of stuff about you?" Jinora frowned.

"Do you really wanna know?"

"I mean, yeah. You know so much about my mental health that I didn't even tell you so it's only fair."

"Fair enough," Kaia said. "I have ADHD, that's why I normally do that thing with my hands when I talk, or fidget a lot. I learned how to play the guitar to keep my hands busy, and basketball helped as a way to channel it, if that makes sense? I also have a speech impediment, I used to not be able to go through a full sentence without stuttering. Now it only comes out when I'm really mad, scared, or nervous. Same with my ADHD."

"Guitar? I know Korra can play just about every instrument. She had to learn during the Red Lotus to adapt for a few roles in missions."

"I can play....I think guitar is about all. What about you?"

"I tried to find a lot of coping mechanisms after Korra died, so there's a lot. Piano, singing, percussion, guitar, violin, anything I'm forgetting?" Jinora paused for a second and seemed to be thinking. "Ukulele, clarinet, saxophone, flute, trumpet. My hands and mouth are pretty talented."

"That's what she said," Kaia smirked.

"You are definitely Korra's sister," Jinora laughed. "I can hear the look on your face."

Kaia was about to defend herself when the front door opened and closed, and Naga started barking followed by a child crying.

They both looked at each other before running downstairs. Jinora was in a defensive stance and Kaia was ready to bend water out of the sink, but they saw Korra crying and hugging a tall, slim figure.

"Asami...." Korra cried, burying her face into her shoulder. "I missed you....I missed you so much...."

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